To begin, let me say that while associating with animal rights activists (something I try to avoid), I often hear people rhapsodizing about articles they’ve read in the press or seen on the news about animals being liberated, laboratories being trashed, lorries being torched, fast food restaurants being burned to the ground, etc. In the course of these conversations it is practically guaranteed that one or more persons will praise the action and wonder, “Gee, how do I hook up with these people?” or “Why don’t these lads contact me?” or “How do I get involved with that group?” This is how I found the answer to that question.
After reading stories about lab break-ins and fur stores being torched, I, too, desperately wanted to join this group. But how? There was really no place to start. All of my friends in the animal rights movement had less interest in illegal direct action than I did, and even those who showed some interest were completely clueless as to how to meet these people.
At one point, I wrote an animal rights group to let them know that I would be willing to help them raid a lab. Needless to say, that letter went unanswered. Finally I realized what I was doing—I was waiting for someone with a plan to drop in out of the blue and ask me to join in a lab raid. Now, stop and think about this. Would anyone who had put hundreds of hours into planning a covert, illegal direct action that could land them in prison for years risk asking a basic stranger for help simply because he or she was a vegetarian or belonged to the local animal rights chapter? NO! (At least not if they want to stay active and out of jail.)
So how did I, or a better question is, how do you, end up “joining” the Animal Liberation Front? That’s easy. Come up with your own plan! Really. It’s not as hard as you think. Let me repeat this important point: Come up with your own plan.
One of the reasons there is not a lot more illegal direct action happening is that there are only a few people willing to invest the time and energy necessary to choose a viable target, research the facts, re-con the place, and conduct any other work necessary to execute a successful direct action. There are always plenty of people who want to help in the actual execution of the plan—people are always willing to share in the “excitement,” but not in the actual work. Simply put, no one wants to help bake the bread, but everyone wants to eat it.
Overcome the Excuses
People dismiss the idea of planning a direct action for many reasons. Nearly all are mere excuses that could easily be overcome. Most commonly, people tell themselves they don’t know anyone who could help in the final execution of the plan. For example, they don’t know who could find homes for X number of animals; they don’t know whom they could trust as a lookout; they don’t know who could loan or rent them a vehicle to use, etc. I want to emphasize here that if you are faced with a problem like this, continue on!
There are many bridges that one can foresee that look uncrossable during the planning of an action. These problems seem irresolvable and often discourage people from continuing on with their plan. Again I must emphasize, continue. These problems either solve themselves or are more easily solved when you actually reach that point of the plan. And in some cases, the plan is aborted for some other reason long before the problem ever has to be confronted. It is important to add that you should expect about four out of five plans into which you’ve invested time and money to fall through. Again, this shouldn’t deter you. If you approach direct action with the knowledge that most of your plans may not work, then you should not be discouraged from battling on if some of your plans do fall through.
While it is not necessary, it is advisable before taking any direct action to read as much literature as possible on the topic. This is much easier to do now thanks to a “revival” in the grassroots animal rights/liberation movement. If possible, any literature pertaining to illegal activities should be mailed to a fake name at a post office box or private mailbox center. If this is not possible, perhaps a well-trusted friend (who could handle police/federal harassment and is not personally involved in illegal activities) would be willing to have it sent to his or her place. Another possibility would be to get this information off a Web site (from a library, campus, or cyber-coffee shop computer).
Though some of these security precautions may seem ridiculous, paranoid, and unnecessary, you will be thankful you followed them if you continue to increase the frequency, severity, and effectiveness of your actions, thus producing more intense local and federal investigations.
An Army of One
But, wait a minute! You still don’t know if there is anyone you can trust. This does not mean that you shouldn’t consider doing an action. When I realized that no one was going to drop in and ask me to help them with their plan—when I finally realized that I was the ALF—I decided to target a fast food restaurant that I had noticed as appearing vulnerable. Though I still didn’t know who could help me with this plan, I proceeded to scope it out the next few nights, still thinking I would find someone to help me.
Though I had no experience at “casing a joint,” it came very easily and naturally. Between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. (the time I decided would be safest to strike the place) I carefully scoped it out. Some nights, dressed head to toe in my jogging gear (now is not the time to be caught there in your balaclava), I jogged up and down the street past the restaurant. I was careful to look for possible activity inside the building, check on any employees’ cars in the parking lot, judge the amount of traffic and police presence, determine how well the parking lot and building were lit, scan for any drive-through or security cameras (to look out for and to sabotage!), etc.
Other nights I walked my boyfriend’s dog up and down the street looking for the same things. In no time at all I was very familiar with the activity of the area (and had walked two emergency escape routes I would take should I be interrupted). I was soon confident with this target. Unfortunately, I still didn’t know anyone I would trust enough to divulge my plans to. I knew what I wanted to do.
The day before I was going to execute my plan, I drove to a neighboring town and bought super glue, spray paint, and some garden gloves from three different stores, making sure to pay in cash at each store. That evening I went for a walk wearing my gloves and ended up picking up two large rocks and half of a brick that I determined was small enough to carry around and handle, yet big enough to smash through the thick plate glass windows of a fast food restaurant.
The First Action
Though I would have felt a bit more comfortable with a partner to look out for me, I was tired of waiting around for apathetic and unmotivated people. That night, dressed in black from head to toe, I went jogging. As I got near the restaurant I slowed to a walk. Seeing that there was no traffic around and facing a dark and empty-looking building, I approached the restaurant.
Walking briskly across the lot, I pulled my mask down over my face. At the rear of the building I quickly took off my black backpack and got out my supplies. I quickly filled the two back door locks with super glue and small pieces of paper clips that I had snipped especially for this occasion. I then proceeded to spray paint slogans over the entire back of the building and on the side with the drive-through window.
This done, I peeked around the building. Headlights were approaching from up the street, so I just remained calm and motionless. My stomach dropped when I saw it was a police car, but the cop drove by without slowing down or looking my way.
Delighted, I walked around to the front of the building and quickly tossed all three projectiles through three separate windows! I saved this part of the action for last because of the loud sound it would make. And, with the three explosions of glass, I quickly sprinted through one of my pre-arranged exits and into a residential area where I quickly vanished. I then removed my black turtleneck and balaclava, ditched them in an apartment complex dumpster, and went home.
My point here is that with enough planning, determination, and self-confidence, one person can pull off a successful action! Of course, the “bigger” or “more severe” the action, the better it may be to have a lookout with clear communications to you. Nevertheless, one person shouldn’t feel helpless and inactive because he or she doesn’t know others who are willing to take illegal direct action. Besides, taking action is your first step in feeling out potential comrades who share the same philosophy as you and are ready and willing to take action.
Part II: Looking for Partners
It is really very difficult to explain how to find close, trustworthy partners who are willing to take the same risks and are knowledgeable and strong enough to withstand heavy bouts of police interrogation, intimidation, and harassment. Though you never plan to be faced with this situation, it is a realistic risk, and you and anyone you work with should understand with a firm knowledge that if this situation arises, you and anyone you work with will not cooperate at all with any law enforcement agencies!
There is no cut and dried pattern or formula for choosing or finding partners. THIS IS GOOD. If there were a pattern or formula, it would open the door for infiltration of law enforcement and corporate agents.
However, executing the fast food action by myself led me to a second person whom I later hooked up with.
Friends and Comrades
Another member of our current cell really was not “chosen.“ We had merely known and trusted each other since high school, when we used to forge passes out of study hall so we could skip school and go swimming in the river.
We had both been vegetarians (and outcasts) in high school, and I taught him about animal rights as he shared with me his views of deep ecology. It wasn‘t long before we started working together. My point here is that there was no formula with which to evaluate my friend. I had spent years with him as a best friend and we pretty much knew each other inside and out.
These are the best kind of partners to have, since you already have an established relationship and friendship that no law enforcement agent would be able to break up. So I‘d like to emphasize that this is the best way of “finding“ a partner: working with someone you have a history with. And always trust your intuition. If someone doesn‘t feel right or you get “weird vibes“ from him or her, DON’T work with that person! The opposite is true here also, but I don‘t need to explain that, since when you find that true connection, the feeling is pretty much unmistakable.
The other partner I connected with after the fast food restaurant action had a long history in the environmental movement. I only shared my interest in illegal direct action with her after she had complained to me consistently about a billboard advertising animal products and how someone should correct the billboard so consumers would know exactly what suffering that product really hid.
After hearing repeated complaints from my friend (was she checking me out, too?), we went for a walk. Here I told her that the billboard she hated so much appeared to be easily accessible (I had already re-conned it) and that if she wanted to help redecorate it, that would be jolly.
Needless to say, she thought this was a grand idea, and, within a matter of days, the billboard had been corrected. Red paint bombs made from Christmas ornaments also gave the appearance of blood running down the advertisement.
Critiquing the Action
The day after the billboard action, my friend and I went on another walk (we NEVER talked in a house or car!) to discuss and critique our action. This may seem silly to some, but it is the best way to learn from your mistakes and make improvements for further actions.
Meetings like this—restricted to only those involved with the action—are great to learn from. Other than that they should never be discussed again. In this case, we realized that the system we had set up to warn of cops (a loud whistle) didn‘t work. I had been warned twice of police in the area by her whistle, but I was never sure when to resume work on the billboard. Also, the whistling merely attracted attention to my partner rather than to me.
Because of this, we ended up putting together our savings and buying a police scanner, frequency book, and a cheap pair of two-way radio headsets. Because of the headset‘s low price ($49.95 for the pair), I knew they would not be reliable for an action where the lookout is a long distance away. Nevertheless, they would suit our needs for more billboard, fast food restaurant, and fur shop actions.
Building Trust and Solidarity
These are the actions that should be done most often to build up confidence, unity, and comradeship. The more of these types of actions done, the more competent, confident, and experienced you and your cell will become, and you can soon “move up” to bigger and better actions (bigger and better being defined here as larger actions with more severe amounts of damage being done to the target. This, of course, includes arson attacks).
These actions will come in time if you and your partners stay active and build up a unity and confidence that becomes almost intuitive. Myself and the two individuals I currently work with have almost a psychic connection in which we usually know what the other two people are thinking. This will not happen overnight, and if you expect it to, you will be let down. That is why I must emphasize motivation and persistence.
It took me about two years of actions like this, and now I currently work regularly with two separate cells and a handful of other people who occasionally seek my assistance. Through persistence and perseverance you will build up a network of resources including tools, money, people, and experience.
If you tell yourself that there are no suitable targets to strike, you should stop and ask yourself if this is what you really want to be doing. If it is, just go to the nearest phone book and let your fingers do the walking. The yellow pages will give you the names, phone numbers, and addresses (and a map of the local area) of countless animal exploiters. This is an invaluable and easily accessible resource, available 24 hours a day in any city or town you may find yourself in.
In one instance, our cell drove two states away to “remodel“ an establishment profiting off of animals‘ deaths. Once there however, we realized this would not be possible. Instead of going home disappointed, we simply went to the nearest pay phone and let our fingers do the walking. Before we left that state, one animal abuse establishment had been completely destroyed!
I am confused
08.12.2009 01:35
sorta relavent i guess....
08.12.2009 10:31
It'd be nice if the EDL campaign gets big enough to get some first hand (although obviously anonymous) accounts of first actions as the old 'just turn up and bash the fuckers' mentality is always going to be a bit intimidating for newbies and unconfident fighters, there's a wealth anti-facist literature out there though, providing first hand accounts of old anti - NF actions but modern ones a a bit few and far between (recommending using a routemaster bus to get away is a little dated unfortunately)
To further that idea
08.12.2009 12:38
.. rubbish .. this is the last thing we need ..
08.12.2009 15:03
ALF are some of the worst of this elitist hierarchical alienated activity - their practice mirrors the worst of the fascists ..
withdrawing even more from united, open, democratic political activity is the very last thing we need to be doing to defeat the EDL or any fascists
08.12.2009 16:32
Okay, the related article hasn't made some things clear - particularly why the anti-fascist movement should learn the the animal liberation movement - but 'ALF are some of the worst of this elitist hierarchical alienated activity'? I fail to understand how you came to this conclusion. Indymedia frequently has reports from across the globe of ALF activities, and in the 'how I came to join...' part of the article it's explicitly points out that activities done in the name of 'ALF' can be engaged in by anyone. No-one lets you into the 'ALF', there isn't any fucking form to sign, no membership fee. You are the 'ALF', anybody is the 'ALF'. There's nothing 'fascist' about anonymous activity in the name of liberation. Just sense.
Resistance needs to be global, but activity needs to be local. And often, anonymous.
As a group or organisation, the Animal Liberation Front doesn't exist. It's simply a snappy slogan to spray on a wall, so how can that be heirarchical?
'withdrawing even more from united, open, democratic political activity is the very last thing we need to be doing to defeat the EDL or any fascists'
I'm not even going to attack this statement. Of course, we need 'open, democratic, political activity'. But we also need everything else; we need everything we can throw at fascists, animal abusers, and all oppressors.
On why the anti-fascist movement could take tips from the animal rights movement, it takes reading between the lines.
You know why I don't get involved with activism?
08.12.2009 16:57
Seriously, if the antis start digging up people grandmas and planting crap IEDs it will be a sure sign that you've been severely compromised by fascists, the police or both.
It's already happened with all that black bloc stuff where obvious provocateurs were allowed to infiltrate the left, let free to go nuts on that bank, (or in the most infamous case on down town Seattle), so that the riot squad could move in and clean up with the peaceniks. Don't let this happen again, we don't want fascists having the freedom to roam around at will.
@ Anonymous
08.12.2009 19:21
you don't get it do you?
08.12.2009 19:35
It is not 'sense' to organise clandestinely, it is against all what we need to be - open democratic up front based where we live and work
the state can deal with insurrectionary/ALF bollox day in day out .. what it can NOT deal with is a mass movement from below .. we don't 'need things to throw at 'fascists blah blah blah' .. we need to try to talk to our neighbours .. why do you people think you can change the world with just your and yer mate? we need 80% on our side to win ..
08.12.2009 20:09
Clear things up here...
08.12.2009 20:22
The article was pulled from a site called NEGOTIATIONISOVER,and it has interesting articles on combining the anti-fa/anti-capitalist/anarcho-action with earth.animal liberation, a total revolution by any means necessary. its a new buzz out there, with people realising more and more we need more unity in our efforts to rid ourselves from global slavery and also to liberate the planet and all living things upon it.
its heavy stuff, not for arm chair generals or EDL trolls!
about the blac bloc: you know fuck all about the blac bloc, or seattle by the sounds of it,if you think the BB turning up and doing stuff was a police operation. everyone knows polive infiltrate ALL SIDES IN ANY DEMO of real significance to the state/corporate leaders. its olds news.the blac bloc was born from various historical struggles on the streets, from an anarcho/militant point of view, and blended with the now infamous and critical-for-success planning and execution of the whole anti-WTO actions by all the groups involved. the police state lost in seattle, remember.
Total Revolution By Any Means Necessary
The police state won in seattle,
08.12.2009 22:22
The BB show up, do what they want, leave, and then the cops go completely wild on real demonstrators. The press gets its"ANARCHIST EATS BABY" headlines and the "Police state" has another excuse to clamp down hard on all forms of dissent, leading more people to support heirarchical and cop-approved forms of "protest" like the black bloc which can be easily demonised and controlled. Nice one officer!
As for the ALF I hope you are not advocating terrorism? As this is liable to get everyone arrested as well. ALF actions have often turned out to be false flags carried out by god-knows who for god knows what brain-charred purpose, but it is unlikely to help activists.. There was one such explosion in my home town in the 90s which resulted in every activist in town being grilled by the cops. They got lots of useful intelligence that day and yet no animals were saved.
I wonder how many people posting here on this public site are actually cops or fascists egging on the loonies to ever greater acts of stupidity? God, Debord was right about you lot.
blac bloc forever!
09.12.2009 10:31
The Blac Bloc (BB) does not cause the police to target peaceful protests. the police attack protests whenever and for whatever reason they like, when they like, for as often as they like, and the mainstream media,which you EDL/POLICE trolls obviously watch to get your facts, then tell everyone that the violence from blac bloc caused the police reaction. when we all know for a fact that police attack as and when they want, no matter what anyone else is doing at the time.
at bishopsgate in london during the g20, when there was no blac bloc or anything vaguely like a blac bloc near by, hundreds of police attacked the climate camp and seriously abused everyone's rights and hurt dozens of fluffies. so what is your argument? that the no-where-to-be-seen blac bloc caused that, too?
get real.
blac bloc is a legitimate tactic in a time of illegitimate governing by the states of the world.
Blac Bloc is anger personified, is revolutionary thought turned into action. Blac Bloc is the way forward, combined with the other tactics of fluffies and pacifists and eco-comrades. we will unite these movements and hope for all out revolution across the world...well, thats the idea, anyway!!
Blac Bloc Forever! smash the system!
PS. In geneva recently, and due to comrades raising certain issues across the world, blac bloc only attacked dedicated symbols of capitalism and wealth, trying with all manner of focus and concentration to not damage the average "workers" car or shop. You can see posh cars burning and shops smashed up that symbolise wealth and capitalist domination, but otherwise the neighborhoods were left alone. Only dedicated anarchists can bring forward that kind of restraint. especially when in my opinion all cars should be burned.
yes that means in the past that blac bloc have damaged the cars and shops of "ok" "right on" people. but that does not mean that those cars or shops were deserving of being left alone,,,ie. a butchers shop is still part of species-domination by humans and cars pollute our the arguments can go round all day...........
hope that helps a little..........
blacu blocus merrilius excellentus
convenient timing
10.12.2009 01:27
Weren't you a tiny bit suspisous about the way that all the other buildings were boarded up... EXCEPT for that one place? which wasn't guarded either? Weren't you a bit suspicious about all the press - almost outnumbering activists?
If you are in the black bloc you are doing exactly what the police want you to do. You are also an elitist and a thug; the last big demo I went on had BB in there and they were an openly intimidating presence.
Additionally it is very likely that at least one of your co-conspirators is a police agent. I cannot put it any more simply. If you like socialising with undercover cops, join the Black Bloc.
How well do you think you know the people you plan these actions with?
And - "Smash the system"? You fool. The system is an idea in people's heads. It is not a bank building or a police car. If you really want to change the world you have to change the way people think, and you won't do that by breaking windows. As the anarchists used to say, you can't blow up a social relationship. Look it up - if you're for real.
Docmented examples - avoid the Black bloc like the plague!
10.12.2009 01:42
Fresh allegations have emerged against British police officers on duty at the G20 protests in London on April 1st. Eyewitnesses say they saw two men egging protestors to throws things at police officers. When confronted, they escaped through the police cordon after showing some ID. Tom Brake MP is pressing for an investigation.
g20 police inciting violence,
Three undercover officers attempt to infiltrate a March Against Police Brutality at the University of Pittsburgh, but fail miserably due to their horrendous disguise attempts... This is just one example of a larger pattern of attempts to silence the media during the G20 protests. (USA)
Shocking! Police Caught Trying to Start Riot so they can ATTACK public protesters (USA)
Stop SPP Protest - Union Leader stops provocateurs (Canada)
you have no clue
10.12.2009 12:23
now lets have a lesson in infiltration, shall we.
for a start its nothing new, and does not only affect the blac bloc.
- CND, heavily infiltrated in the 70's and 80's
- ALF, heavily infiltrated and spied on up to the present day, since the mid nineties
- Stop the War, Greenpeace, etc, all infiltrated, sometimes at high levels, spied on constantly and agents about all the time.
- Blac Bloc, heavily infiltrated, BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE OF THE BIGGEST THREATS AROUND, and because its easy to dress in black.
- IRA, UDA, SHINING PATH, FARC, UVF, BNP. LABOUR PARTY SINN FEIN, you fucking name it, its been heavily infiltrated by the state!
McLibel: it was found that during the McLibel case, evidence surfaced that PROVED three out of FOUR organisers at one point were police/agents/private detectives!!
- Miners strike - the SECOND in command of NUM, working with Arthur Scargill WAS one of the famed "hairies", a long haired hippy looking type who was a copper on the pay roll from the state
all this is checkable and readable and out there for you to find, as i did.
The recurring theme is the state spying on people, DONT YOU GET IT?
going on ANY DEMO you will be infiltrated by police, thats a fact. whether or not you dress in black and hang with BB, you will still be surrounded by pigs. and thats what they are, fucking PIGS. hang the fucking lot of them!
blacu blocus merrilius excellentus
great idea
11.12.2009 00:33
Changing the world takes years of hard work, you have to build a huge organisation, collect money, educate people, have debates, elections, etc etc etc. The going on demos part is the least of it. You have to build conciousness and convince people that it is in their interests to join you and support you, not just run around breaking windows. When I was involved in squatting and housing activism for instance a major part of our work was just paper shuffling and meetings. There was glamourous running around and adrenalin pumping moments, to be sure, but that wasn't the main objective. And that was just one small activist group!
As for the whole infiltration thing, why is it do you think that the police tolerate you smashing up bank buidings but immediately and violently arrest people who are just sitting in the road peacefully? Maybe they WANT people to think of demonstrators as violent types who smash up buildings?
11.12.2009 19:43
it is over propagandised,by both the "left and right" wing.
it is almost mythical, or legendry, or whatever you wanna call it. yes it has been infiltrated,but to think that it is allowed to happen? you have obviously never been in a blac bloc action, where-by the pigs are tailing you every step of the way, beating anyone near you and kicking the shit out of you if they catch you. letting right wingers march about town with their fascism, now thats letting stuff happen to manipulate it.......
come on people, we're arguing again when the real enemy, the fucking "system" is truly fucking us all over.
for those who aren't versed in the guilty few, here's my opinion:
the banks
the armies
the police
the governments
the upper classes and super-rich
the corporate media
that just about sums it up and that doesn't include the prison, the borders, and the churches?!!
fuck it all. smash it all.
who cares about building stuff up and doing elections and being engaging and trying to change people to be this or that. if they dont wanna change, fuck them. if they are not part of the solution, or if they are driven by greed, then fuck them.
its time to either shape up or shut up, as far as the blac bloc is concerned. we're ready for fucking war...not another petition or demo.....fucking apologists!!
you are scared to fight back, i mean, its PROPERTY destruction, the same PROPERTY that creates our metropolitoxic shock, the system is killing us off, and the planet, too. well, at least the planet will be better off when we finally die out.........
fucking saps, scared to fight.
our politics is that of mutuality and cooperation, if you do not cooperate and seek us harm or arrest or continue to enslave us and other non-human animals, then we will strike against you. the shops, those that are part of the lies, the capitalist destruction of our freedom, then we will attack. the cars, the police and the government, we will attack.
we will also defend our non-violent comrades in the streets, a job that noone else does, certainly not the state when it is the state that oppresses them!!
by the way, anyone can be the blac bloc, its fluid and solid at the same time.......
not lost
police controlled the streets
14.12.2009 15:08
And - look at the footage again - isn't it the case that Bloc'ers were actually allowed to trash the bank? A target they had announced in advance I believe....
Or put it this way - the police presence that day was very heavy, wasn't it? Would anyone say it was so heavy that nobody could really do anything the police didn't want them to do? Indeed would it be a fair comment to say that anything that happened on that day happened because the police wanted it to happen? That they had effective physical control of the streets?
The police WANT you to go apeshit and smash things up. They know how to deal with that - they get their headlines that make you all out to be evil hardcore anarchist rioters bent on destruction, and they get to criminalise not only "protest" but political activity in general.
On its own "protest" is just a spectacle of middle class ideology and powerlessness, protestors run around being powerless and pathetic while the special political police squads look on and sneer at you down their lenses. It's activism that gets things done - for instance it was this "grassroots activism" that got an agreement out of our local council never to use the Criminal Justice Act against squatters. It is "activism" that housed me when I was homeless and it's "activism" - as opposed to -"protest" - that is going to keep my home from being privatized.