As Nottingham Coordinator of the Stop the War Coalition I am writing to say that we share in the relief at the safe return of the Mercian Regiment, and in the sorrow for those who did not make it. It would be such a shame if the parade on Saturday were used by politicians to try to drum up support for prolonging what is clearly an unwinnable war.
We are glad to see them back - don't send them again!
Nottingham Stop the War Coalition will not be demonstrating at the Mercian's parade, but we will be joining the protest against the so-called English Defence League (EDL) visiting Nottingham. Their demonisation of the Muslim community is yet another direct consequence of these futile wars in the Middle East. The EDL's insistence that they are not racist because they attack Muslims, make them sound even more like Oswald Moseley's very English Blackshirts and their scapegoating of Jews.
Join us in the Market Square on Saturday!
Stop the War Coalition Nottingham Coordinator
Please read EDL plans
03.12.2009 13:50
This is the email that the EDL have sent to all their members just yesterday. We are circulating it – please do too as it will really help to be as accurate as possible.
NB: the Wetherspoons Pub has agreed to play this role of welcoming and hosting the EDL. That should be known about, and a campaign to have pubs not open their premises for racist and fascists to meet and organise is going to be really important.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: EDL The Forum
Sent: Sun, 29 November, 2009 12:10:44
Subject: Nottingham Demo 05/12/2009
To all EDL members and friends.
You will find below details of our demonstration in Nottingham this coming Saturday 5th Dec.
Please follow the instructions in order for the day to run as smoothly as possible.
Travelling by car, train or foot:
Please make your way to Nottingham train station if travelling by car, train or any other form of transport (other than chartered coaches, details of which will be given to coach parties).
Once at the train station, please make your way to the Wetherspoons pub on Castle Wharf, which is situated next to the train station.
Demonstration Details:
Our demonstration is scheduled to start at around 2.30 with speakers arriving at 3.00. Please ensure that you are in the pub or the area surrounding with plenty of time to spare to avoid being turned away.
We have been allocated a spot close to Nottingham Castle for our demonstration, and the only permissible access to our demo site is up Castle Road, via Castle Boulevard. This is a short walk from the above pub.
Conduct on the day:
I don't need to tell you anymore, but for the record we are NOT a racist organisation, so will not tolerate any racist behavior. This includes racist chants or signs.
It is probably a good idea, whilst chanting or singing, if you feel the need to raise your arms (which most of us do) please do so with clenched fists.
We all know that there are organisations who will have photographers specifically looking for the opportunity to catch people out in this way, claiming, as they do that "The EDL were seen making Nazi salutes, and chanting racist songs" with a picture of a poor soul singing with his arms and hands outstretched.
Remember, this is PC England. If you are seen by the UAF Photographers (the Guardian included) singing the National Anthem or any other songs passionately, with your arms reaching the sky, it means you are a Nazi! (fools).
On the other hand, if you do see someone performing a "Nazi Salute", they should be told where to go immediately. The chances are, they have been planted by opposing groups, or the press and should be treated as hostile.
What to bring:
1: Earplugs.
Earplugs are most probably the most important piece of equipment you could bring. There is nothing worse than the screeching sound of thousands of mis-informed uni students shouting"Nazi scum etc etc etc blah blah".
2: Water
You will most probably be couped up and held in groups by police en route to, during and on return from the demo. Please respect this, as it is for the safety of residents, shoppers etc, but during this time you will get very dehydrated. The police may remove lids from these bottles to ensure that they cannot be used as potential missiles.
3: Sun-tan Lotion.
As you know, Nottingham can experience very high temperatures at this time of the year, so some sun-tan lotion is going to prove to be an invaluable piece of kit, especially for those of us getting a bit thin on top!
If there is anything i have missed out (not trivial please as i have man flu) please contact me via the forum, and if you have not been on the forum for a while please do so now as there has been a major re-structure, and it is far easier to navigate than before.
Well, we are expecting a record turnout on Saturday, lets hope its a nice day. We will see you in Nottingham!
Trevor Kelway.
AFA supporter
AFA Supporter