Friday 9th October 2009
Nottingham Vegan Hip-Hop present ...
Hunt Saboteurs Fundraiser at Sumac from 7pm
£2 donation requested at the door.
Details from

Saturday 10th October 2009
Veggies food and vegan campaigning at Stuff of Life, Sherwood Rise Residents’ Association street festival at Hedley Villas Park, Sherwood Rise.
Details from

Probably no street stall this Saturday.
Sunday 11th October 2009
Brinsley Animal Rescue Street Collection
This is a rare opportunity for a City-wide street collection on Sunday 11th October, for which lots of help is requested, from 11am until 5pm (or later) near Primart by tourist information centre on Smithy Row (

Brinsley Animal Rescue is a not for profit organisation dedicated to caring for animals. Our primary mission is to relieve the suffering of animals and birds. Many of the animals that come to us are simply ’surplus to requirements’ from the meat, dairy and egg industry.
Because such animals are deemed unprofitable then it is our aim to take them on and find them loving homes in which they can enjoy the retirement they deserve.
Details from

Monday 12th October 2009
Food Not Bombs
A meeting has been called for Monday 12th October at 7pm at Sumac Centre to discuss fresh plans for a Nottingham Food Not Bombs group, free food giveaways, catering for destitute refugees, wholefood co-operatives etc.
If you'd like to get involved, offer feedback or want more
information, please come to the meeting, or email

Details from

Tuesday 13th October
Bobby Roberts Circus at Japanese Water Gardens
The Bobby Roberts Circus features an elderly, arthritic elephant alongside
horses, dogs and a camel.
Demo on Tues 6.30 to 7.30
ALSO Sunday 18th 1.30 - 2.30
Other times to be arranged
See Press Release at

Thursday 15th October 2009
Brinsley Animal Rescue Workday
Nottm AR has regular work days here - fence building, staining, aviary
building, mucking out, rabbit run building the usual shit!
Transport from Beeston, or city centre with Danny - contact Lee on 07599 282851.
Details from

Friday 16th October 2009
Some may remember active Nottingham Animal Rights member Mike Grundy
from the 80's/90's. He sadly died recently from an out-of-the-blue
heart attack. The funeral is at 2pm Friday 16th at Wilford Hill
Crematorium, Loughborough Road, NG2 7FE
Vegan Food Give-away for Anti-McDonalds Day
Food prep at Sumac Friday from 1pm to aim to be at
McDonalds at Exchange Walk 4pm - 6pm.
If you are able to prepare some vegan cakes or savoury food, or join
on the day - please get in touch.
Details from

Benjamin Zephaniah Gig. 7pm-9pm at Djanogly City Academy, Sherwood Rise.

Followed by Open Decks Disco (for Veggies 25th Anniversary weekend).
9pm - Midnight at Sumac
No Greyhound demo this week
National Anti Fur March and Rally on Saturday 17th October in London
Unfortunately there is probably no transport from Nottingham - unless
you can help?
Full details at

Vegan Campaign Catering at Climate Swoop to encourage 'environmental'
campaigners to address livestock issues.

Followed by Veggies 25th Anniversary Bash - Food, music & drinks at
the Sumac Social Club, featuring (bits of) Wholesome Fish and a
screening of Ready Steady Skip.
Acoustic jammers, Bedroom DJs and other musicians and entertainers are welcome!
Food from 6.30. Party til very late!
Lots of help needed all weekend - Please let Pat know if you can help.
Sunday 18th
All Day Veggies Brunch and Workday at Brinsley Animal Rescue.
Next Nottingham Animal Rights Meeting
Thursday 22nd October 2009 at the Sumac Centre
Details from