A meeting has been called for Monday 12th October at 7pm at Sumac Centre to discuss fresh plans for a Nottingham Food Not Bombs group, free food giveaways, catering for destitute refugees, wholefood co-operatives etc.
[Map at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/sumac/map.html - Accessible entrance at back door at 73 Beech Avenue]
If you'd like to get involved, offer feedback or want more information, please come to the meeting, or email
rhizomehousingcoop@riseup.net See "Seven steps to organizing a Food Not Bombs chapter in your community" at
http://www.foodnotbombs.net/seven.html More at
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1209 and
http://www.foodnotbombs.net/ The closest thing to FNB activities in recent years have been the Vegan Free Food Give-Aways by Veggies Catering Campaign and associated groups. The next one is on Friday 16th October to mark the Global Day of Action Against McDonalds (and Veggies 25th anniversary).
http://www.veggies.org.uk/event.php?ref=1400 and past reports at:
Did the meeting happen?
13.10.2009 09:07
If the meeting did take place, would it be possible to post the outcome as I'd still like to be involved if possible!