Over the course of the weekend there will be various sessions and workshops, including planning mobilisations against the DSEi arms fair in London in September and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Edinburgh in November. The AMN gathering is a great opportunity for activists from around the country to network and build a national anti-militarist movement.
The provisional timetable is as follows:
SATURDAY 2009-07-11
10:00 Introduction
10:30 Reports from regional groups and recent events
11:30 Break
11:45 AMN infotour and publicity
12:30 Lunch
13:30 NATO Parliamentary Assembly
15:30 Break
16:00 Direct action workshops
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Social night
SUNDAY 2009-07-12
09:30 Disarm DSEi 2009
11:30 Break
11:45 EDO Decommissioners support
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Activist Trauma Support discussion (TBC)
14:30 Conclusion
The conference will be held at the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Nottingham NG7 6HX. For directions see

Vegan meals will be provided by Veggies catering campaign and local volunteers. On the Friday and Saturday night the Sumac social club will be open, with bar and music. (Non-members must be signed in.) Delegates to the gathering will be asked for small donations to help cover costs.
If you have any enquiries, special requirements or problems, please e-mail contact[at]nottsantimilitarism.org.uk.