Part 1

10th - 26th May
It has been quite silent from us here on for some weeks now, but that doesn't mean we've been silent in real life. The opposite really! SHAC Sweden in Gothenburgh has kept on naming and shaming different HLS-customers, twice a week, since last time you heard from us.
We've been outside Bayer, AstraZeneca, Ciba Vision as well as the most recent target: Thermo Fisher Scientific. We've been screaming in their faces, giving lecturing speeches on HLS and in general been a pain in their puppy killing asses.
Since the Fisher action day, we have continued an intense campaign beginning with informing the workers about HLS and telling them the consequenses of their co-operation with HLS. The building where the animal abusers sit behind their computer screens is a perfect demo target. We've been standing outside their windows, screaming with megaphones just inches from their faces. You shoud've seen the look on their faces the first time we visited them!
This action week we put a little more effort on Ciba Vision, a part of Novartis. People passing by have expressed their sympaties to us and their disgust towards Ciba Vision. The truth is this: Vivisection is hidious and cruel, and once people hear about HLS they start to sympathize with our cause. This means the customers of HLS can hide behind their curtains as much as they want to, but it won't help them. The truth is out there and it's gaining ground.
Recently we learned that five large HLS (LSR) shareholders have dropped their links to HLS. That's super encouraging and something we all should remind ourselves about in times of despair and when everything seems impossible. HLS are going down and fast! We just have to keep on pressuring them and eventually we will win. We always do.
SHAC Sweden (Gothenburg)
Wednesday, 27th May
It was a wet dreary lunchtime in Luton when activists met. We were under police surveillance from the start, which was surprising as we hadn’t advertised this demo at all. Some how they knew we were intending to go to AstraZeneca’s media offices on Capablilty Green Business Park, Luton.
We arrived at 1pm after a considerable hike up a main road and through mud as the path to the business park was closed for some reason. We embarked upon a noisy demo with 3 megaphones being used constantly, chants and facts told workers inside just what their employers are responsible for. It was at this time we heard a security announcement coming from inside the building informing the workforce of our demo and announcing security measures. Many people working close to the windows decided to lower their blinds. We continued undeterred, they may not have been able to see us but we know they could hear us. We had support from passing motorists and people came out of the surrounding offices to get leaflets and ask what was going on.
Not content with just being able to inform the workforce on one side of the building, activists protested all sides, to the unsurprising sight of more blinds being quickly lowered as those who thought they would be undisturbed got an earful. It was soon after the return to the front of the building that a delivery van was refused entry, the driver spoke to the intercom and they obviously told him to check his doors were locked because he got out and checked the backdoors on the van, this wasn’t security enough apparently as after waiting for some time he had to reverse away from the barrier and drove off shaking his head.
At 3.40pm we decided to pack up but we had a plan to return an hour or so later to catch workers and visitors as they left. The plan swung easily into action when no sooner as we had started to collect the placards together we saw police heading to reception to tell AstraZeneca it was over. A few minutes later as we wandered down the road we heard a second announcement from inside the building informing the workforce. We could not hear this as clearly but presumed they were telling them all was back to normal.
After loitering on a track by the side of the main road for an hour and eating vegan chocolate we decided to make our way back. Arriving back at around 4.50pm with not a policeman in sight, we quickly positioned ourselves right outside the main entrance and got to work on the megaphones. It quickly became apparent that people weren’t leaving, aware that some people were leaving out the back some activists went there. It was as we heard the sirens coming 20 minutes later that we regrouped at the front. As soon as the police arrived, with faces like thunder, workers and visitors began fleeing from the entrance running to cars and taxis, it was a sight to see! Their cowardice and reluctance to talk to us had delayed them from leaving for up to 30 minutes!
After some discussion with the police, they chauffeured the business parks’ Head of Security to us to apparently explain how we were on private property and they no longer wanted us there. We weren’t interested however, as we had made our point and it was time for us to leave anyway. We all felt it had been an effective afternoon. We were then followed for over a mile but were finally left alone.
Although the animals’ lives mean nothing to you, AstraZeneca, they mean everything to those individual animals inside HLS. Because of this we will continue to fight for their lives.
Bedford Animal Action

Wednesday, 27th May
SHACtivists continued the Mad Science May tour today as we targetted more HLS collaborators. Armed with leaflets, placards, megaphones and plenty of determination we set out for the first demonstration...
HARLAN - Our first trip was to Harlan, this company breeds puppies so that the monsters at places such as HLS can brutally torture and murder these innocent sentient beings. They know about what goes on inside HLS but they continue not to care about the cries and suffering of animals, instead putting their own dispicable greed before the lives of animals. We weren't the only ones to arrive at the gates of Harlan at the time, as we came face to face with the abusers themselves and gave them a dosage of the truth they try to hide from. Their anger was shown against compassionate people who actually have hearts as these monsters tried to swerve into and run over activists, this was amongst other desperate pathetic actions they made. However none of this served to intimidate us and we responded by completly surrounding their vehicles and increasing our anger against these puppy killing cowards.
ASTRAZENECA - Arriving at another one of AstraZeneca's sites we held another demonstration today against this HLS customer. Surrounding companies were disgusted about AstraZeneca and their unethical ways. Workers not only at AstraZeneca but the surrounding businesses as well were told all about Huntingdon Life Sciences and the numerous exposes of extreme animal cruelty going on there, as well the scientific fraudulence of vivisection. SHAC will continue to be on your doorstep time and time again AstraZeneca unless you cut your ties with Huntingdon Life Sciences, and this stands for any company who is affiliated with the sick and twisted HLS. We will never stop until HLS is stopped.
THERMO FISHER - Target number 3, Thermo Fisher, one of HLS's suppliers. A noisy demonstration took place at Thermo Fisher with the staff there being told loud and clear about just who the company they work for is dealing with. As we continued the demonstration we saw stressed and angry managers, making various phone calls, whilst peering out at us. Clearly they were uncomfortable by our presence, and so they should be, for dealing with Huntingdon Life Sciences, where 500 animals are burnt, poisoned and mutilated every day of the week. Any company who deals with HLS, will have to deal with SHAC, so unless you cut your ties with them Thermo Fisher, we'll be seeing you again very soon.
METTLER TOLEDO - Arriving at the next company with blood on their hands, we began our next demonstration. Workers rushed to close the blinds, however it'll take plenty more than that to block out the truth which they try to ignore. You should be ashamed of yourselves Mettler Toledo, for being involved with a company that punches beagle puppies in the face, dissects live primates and stitches kittens eyes shut, and then even falsifies their own data to get their faulty fraudulent "products" onto the market. Anyone who cares about the lives of animals and humans would not deal with HLS. Although Mettler tried not to look at us today, they definatly heard loud and clear what we had to say and were given a some things to think about.
TARTAN - Our final destination for today was TARTAN, where we arrived at a small and almost empty building, however one person answered and first told us that she worked for the company, but then upon finding out why we were there then tried to say she didn't. Although not many people were in the building we still demonstrated against those who were and we will return to catch the other workers here again. Surrounding businesses and local residents enquired about why we were in the area and once told about the notorious company HLS were supportive of the SHAC campaign to close down HLS, they took leaflets and appeared disgusted at Tartan for supporting such a barbaric company.
Huntingdon Life Sciences are still over $70 million dollars in debt and struggle to pay it back. While they continue to lose more business relations and contracts. They recently lost several large shareholders including their previous top shareholder Barclays Global Investors.
Any company who is currently affiliated with HLS, should realise that HLS are bad for animals, humans, health, true science and business. Every day Huntingdon Life Sciences draws closer and closer to closure.
Monday, 25th May
GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Aventis protests in Santiago
Activists in Chile protested as part of the Mad Science Week, in Santiago. We went to the buildings where the offices of GlaxoSmithKline are and held a protest. We were received by a bus of police special forces, who only checked an activist’s back bag and some identities. It must be sad to have the obligation of protecting puppy killers!
Afterwards we headed to a neighboring building, to pay a visit to Sanofi Aventis. As always people felt annoyed to know the kind of company they have to share the building with. While these protests were being carried out, many more who could not participate in the protests did it through their emails and phone calls telling why being part of HLS is such a crime.
Until all animals are free!

Monday, 25th May
Mad Science May Begins in Solidarity with the Global SHAC Campaign
Win Animal Rights commemorated this US holiday, Memorial Day, by gathering in New York City's Central Park for a vegan picnic, followed by protests of Bristol-Myers Squibb executives living nearby. The vegan picnic was enjoyed by all, including two lovable canines, Taxi and Cabbie. As rescues, Taxi and Cabbie are a reminder of what we fight for... ANIMAL LIBERATION.
Memorial Day is usually a day that we remember those who have fought for and died to protect our freedom. On this day, it is singularly appropriate to remember and speak out for those who have fought for and died for animal rights and for the animals themselves, who have been murdered by the billions. On this day, we proudly exercise our freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
Demo #1: James Cornelius - Chairman & CEO - Bristol-Myers Squibb
Activists arrived at the home of James Cornelius, Chairman and CEO of Bristol-Myers Squib, ready to name and shame him as a ready accomplice to puppy killers. One of the drawbacks to living near a popular tourist site, James, is the large number of people that will now know of your vile dealings with Baker and the gang.
Hundreds of pedestrians, including foreign journalists, old-time activists, and even a RN, were shocked and disgusted by BMS' financial support to Huntingdon Life Sciences. Numerous people also stopped by the information table to learn more about the campaign.
James Cornelius you are a naughty neighbor (and not in the good way!) and for that Win Animal Rights has awarded you this week's Mad Science Award for supporting a company that not only tortures animals to death but falsifies research data to push dangerous drugs on the market. Along with your award you will a "vivisection is scientific fraud" button. Rad!
Demo #2: Lamberto Andreotti - President & COO - Bristol-Myers Squibb
Having distributed all of the Cornelius literature (and boy, was it a lot of literature!) the protesters decided it was time to venture up Central Park West to the home of another high-ranking BMS executive, Lamberto Andreotti. As President of Bristol-Myers, you also wield a large amount of influence in the company. And just like Cornelius, you will not receive peace as long as you continue to outsource your testing to that wretched hellhole.
There certainly wasn't peace during the protest, as activists' chants could be heard blocks away: "500 animals died today! Lamberto Andreotti is to blame!" Passersby were more than happy to take a flier or two in hopes of spreading the message about their neighborhood animal abuser.
Hundreds more now know that what you produce isn't science, it's insanity. But don't feel bad about your colleague receiving a prize because you too deserve a Mad Science Award for your gross incompetence and corruption. Please accept an exquisite "go vegan" bumper sticker for your hard work.
Video Clips:
James Cornelius - Bristol-Myers Squibb

James Cornelius - Mad Science Award

Lamberto Andreotti - Mad Science Award

great work
01.06.2009 17:12
Pictures: Mad Science May UK Tour - Day 2
03.06.2009 19:05