Get your maps here! Get your maps here! - Map of the Square Mile
Technological gremlins and exhaustion have been banished and more easily printable versions of the maps of the Square Mile and the ExCeL Centre have now been sorted. A3 is the best size for the Square Mile map, so for those without A3 printers, there are two A4 versions you can print out and stick together with old-fashioned sticky tape. The map is downloadable as a JPEG or PDF in A4, A3 and split A3 versions, in black and white or colour.
Here's the full map: Version for printing to A3 - JPG | Version for printing to A3 - PDF | Version for printing to A4 - JPG | Version for printing to A4 - PDF
However, it's best to print an A3 map on two A4 sheets and tape them together:
Here's the two parts in colour: Part One Colour PDF | Part One Colour JPG | Part Two Colour PDF | Part Two Colour JPG
And here they are in greyscale: Part One Greyscale PDF | Part One Greyscale JPG | Part Two Greyscale PDF| Part Two Greyscale JPG
And here's the map of the ExCeL centre: Excel Map PDF | Excel Map JPG
Finally, here's a Button/Banner to embed and link to the map.
These maps show where it all happens - from the Stock Exchange to the Bank of England, from corporate law firms to biofuel companies, from investment bankers to carbon traders, from arms companies to the fortified conference centre - these corporations and institutions are the real force behind the governments of the G20.
Double-sided hard copies of the map are also available, so keep your eyes peeled!
Print this map. Get off the internet. Take to the streets.
See you there!
And remember: “The greatest evil... is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted) in clear, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks, who do not need to raise their voices.” - C.S. Lewis
Nottingham G20 plans
28.03.2009 14:24
There is a van from Sumac on Tuesday, returning Thurday.
Phone c/o 0845 458 9595 if you are interested.
Check out
From Thursday March 26th until Thursday April 2nd rampARTS will be a G20 infopoint, open to drop by from 2-10 pm at 15 -17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd). 07050 618445 .