Displaying the slogan 'NATO Troops, Get Out of Afghanistan!', they are demanding that British forces are withdrawn from Afghanistan and Iraq. Also they were distributing anti-recruitment literature.
One of the objects of the day, was to advertise action on the NATO 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg.
They say, since the end of the Cold War, NATO has reinvented itself as a tool for military action by the “international community”, including the promotion of the so-called “War on Terror”. In reality it is a vehicle for US-led use of force with military bases on all continents, bypassing the United Nations and the system of international law, accelerating militarisation and escalating arms expenditure.
Protests at NATO 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg have been called by the Anti-Militarist Network, Stop The War and CND.
The Anti-Militarist Network mentioned on their website that the Stop the War Coalition and CND are organising coaches to go to Strasbourg for the anti-NATO demonstrations. Coaches leave London at 9.00 on Friday, 3rd. April.
Details are available and bookings can be made on the national Stop the War Coalition website:

More locally, in Nottingham, a protest has been called by CND from 12.30 to 13.30 on Saturday, 4th. April. They will be demonstrating outside the Council House.
Notts Anti-militarists

anyway ......
it was all their fault!!
When I arrived, one of the folks on the stall said "look tash, you can see the reflection of the stop the war banner in the forces careers window. Coming over all arty, I thought what a good idea, and took photos of the reflection, juxtaposing the banner with the 'join here' message in the window.
about 20 seconds later, a sergeant in fatigues came to the door and shouted at me to stop taking pictures. I pointed out [as usual], that I was in a public place and was within my right to photograph there. He muttered sommat else about security, and he went back inside. I suspected that he had gone to call the police, and sure enough, 5 minutes latter PC 5568 saying "can we have a word sir".
This is something that happens really regularly, and it was because of the frequency that photographers meet police that question their activity, that the National Union of Journalist NUJ, had agreed a set of guidelines on police - media relations. Years later, I really don't meet that many policemen, that know their existence or provisions. [PCSO's are even worse of course]. We were promised at the time that they would be widely distributed within force, however, it does not seem to have been the case!
He was quite a polite constable and this time, it wasn't an unpleasant exchange. He agreed to go away and read up on them for the future. So, I set him some homework, and I'll be testing him again later. I include a sound clip of the interaction.
For those with interest in more depth on the photo issues, please check out:
NUJ Freelance - A Right to Report?

I did of course report this exchange at:
NUJ Freelance - Policing incident reporting

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK

Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
24.03.2009 00:59
I was at the homecoming parades in Leicester last week. 2 large professional camera bodies with big lenses, hundreds of soldiers all lined up, absolutely snided with plod, shot 800+ frames, not one complaint.
Obviously, it's ok for a photographer to shoot the homecoming heroes but it's not ok for a photographer to shoot a small protest which implores potential heroes not to go off shooting in the first place.
Insidious abuse of authority
24.03.2009 11:34
This is abuse of power even if many younger coppers have not thought of it in this way.
The safe and honest way for the copper to behave in this situation would have been to either tell the recruitment soldier that it was not for the police to ask people to refrain because it is a personal issue between two individuals,or if he is to speak to the person (Tash in this instance but it applies anywhere) to be balanced and begin by saying that they have the right to photograph but that someone has asked not to be photographed.
In effect it is only the first option which really avoids accusations of abuse of power.
To simply approach Tash and say what he did was an abuse of the authority of a policeman in uniform.
The Conversation is Brilliant
26.03.2009 11:01
The conversation is wonderful. I wish I was so good at talking to piggies.
I Love Tash