Nottingham University Authorities: A National Disgrace
February 1, 2009 · No Comments
After the forceful eviction of the peaceful protesters. The situation is getting more and more sinister.
1) The Security officials are refusing to take statements from the students have been assaulted/injured during their removal.
2)The Media have been barred from campus in a clear attempt to stop the story getting out.
3) Students have been kept outside in the snow and prevented from retrieving their property (including their Jackets). Security have said they will eventually have them upon identification via student cards but since many haven’t got their cards on them they’ve been forced to stand in the cold in tshirts.
4) The police have refused to take statements from those students who have been injured/assaulted on removal. This is a clear breach of their duty of care. Local MPs have been informed of the fact.
5) Police have refused to facilitate the process of students identifying those security officers who have assaulted them.
6) Names and id’s taken of those present, in a clear attempt at intimidation.
Once again, the University of Nottingham distinguishes itself by acting in the most repressive and disgraceful manner against what was a very peaceful, very civil expression of dissent. This is yet another example of the University Authorities trying to enforce a homogeneous culture of apathy and consent across the student body. Students who engage with the realities of this world are seen as a threat to the University’s PR image of enforced servility parading as stability.
The protest has not disrupted any lectures. The room was available for lectures at all times and many lecturers and students verified the fact themselves. The University is to blame for any disruption as they are the ones who cancelled the lectures without consulting the students or the lecturers. As seen in previous episodes such as the AUT graylisting and the Freedom of Speech protests, it is obvious the views and opinions of staff and students mean nothing to the authorities of this institution.
Contact a Lawyer/Solicitor
02.02.2009 00:48
Solicitor to advise on possible course of action.
Reoccupy, reoccupy, reoccupy another hall, another building.
Don't be intimidated. Other students must give support. Let's make it bigger!
02.02.2009 07:13
Notts Uni Authorities = Tossers
02.02.2009 11:50
(By the way, I viewed the posts with the photogaphs of the occupation, and it looked excellent - well done.)
Swansea Lecturer