Nottingham Stop the War Coalition has called a Protest Demonstration through Nottingham. The march was supported by all the Nottingham Mosques.
Assembled with banners, placards, several coffins carried by local children behind a hearse, a couple of thousand marched down the Mansfield Road into the Market Square for a rally in the Market Square. Speakers included Alan Sipson MP, Nottingham City Council Labour Counsellors and others.
Called by Nottingham Stop the War Coalition, Nottingham Mosques and supported by many groups. On Friday 16th January from 5.30pm onwards, there was a Protest 'candle-lit' Vigil outside the Council House in the Old Market Square on Friday evening. people began to gather from 5:30pm, some coming straight from work. There were speakers, including Alan Simpson MP, Hicham Yezza from Nottingham University (recently wrongly imprisoned under the terrorism laws), Nottingham City Labour Counsellors and others.
Nottingham Gaza Protest 'candle-lit' Vigil

Please continue to support these efforts and also contact your Local MPs - phone, write and ask them what the are doing about the situation in Gaza.
Free Gaza Campaign

Nottingham Stop the War

Gaza Public Meeting at Bobbers Mill Community Centre, Nottingham

Nottingham's Gaza Emergency Protest: Pictures 1

Nottingham's Gaza Emergency Protest: Pictures 2

also ....
UK Feature: Yet again Israel massacres Gazan civilians - and yet again world leaders sit on the fence while people burn.

UK Feature: National Free Gaza demo 10.01.2009

UK Feature: Gaza: Stop The Genocide

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK

Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Emergency Aid for Gaza
19.01.2009 17:43
False Labour Friends of Gaza
20.01.2009 20:33
Last year Nottingham Stop the War Coalition wrote to all of the fifty-five Nottingham City councillors pointing out that most of the heroin in Nottingham comes from Afghanistan where the biggest drug barons are members of the puppet Kabul government installed and kept in power by the American and British governments. Given that the Council claim to be trying to combat heroin addiction in Nottingham, we suggested that the Council should protest to the British Government and tell them to stop supporting the Kabul warlords and turning a blind eye to their drugs running.
Only Jon Collins replied with an evasive letter claiming that it is not permissible for local councils to comment on national government policies! (What can they do apart from arranging flower baskets?) The truth is that these so-called representatives of the people will say or do nothing to embarrass their national Labour Party leaders. Hamas is on the "War on Terror" list of Bush and Brown. Thus it seems strange that Hassan Ahmed, a councillor for Berridge Ward, stood as a candidate for Benazir Bhutto's People's Party in the last Pakistan General Election. The People's Party is one hundred per cent behind the imperialists' "War on Terror".
Also when the Nottingham-Jenin Friendship Link suggested to Nottingham City Council that Nottingham be twinned with Jenin they were met with an evasive response.
The truth is that these councillors, just like John Heppell MP, only express sympathy with the Palestinians because they want our votes, especially Muslim votes. Treat them with the contempt they deserve and don't vote for them.
Ross Longhurst