A week of events including workshops, discusssions, lunches and theatre.
Monday 20th:
Young Greens present: Muslim Hands- Darfur, Human Rights and Relief Work A fascinating presentation on the situation in Darfur and what we can do about it. 7.00pm LG6, Trent Building
Tuesday 21st:
Hind Hasan: NUS representative on 'racism at university'
Wednesday 22nd:
Students for a Free Tibet: Human Rights abuses in China and our university's connection with a dictatorship. Lunch provided.
Architects Sans Frontiers: Building a Shelter. ASF plan to build an entire home out of scrap material, outside the Portland building. From 1pm onwards.
Ice and Fire Theatre company present 'Rendition Monologues': A moving and timely piece on the terrible practice of extraordinary rendition. Not to be missed.
7.00pm East Concourse Lounge, Portland Building
Thursday 23rd:
Hicham Yezza: Former Nottingham University student and staff member. Peace Activist, Writer and Former Terror Suspect gives a talk on 'Human Rights post 9/11' 7.00pm C20, Portland Building
Friday 24th:
Nottingham Student Peace Movement Film Night presents: John Pilger: Death of a Nation & Flying the Flag-Arming the World. 7pm C11
Offical One World Week Party: DEMO @ Blueprint
09.10.2008 14:50
See you there :-)
Updated Timetable
09.10.2008 15:08
Students for a free Tibet has been moved to Tuesday 21st and will take place at 1.00pm in C35 COATES BUILDING.
Rosjke Hasseldine will be talking on Friday 24th about women who are raising the bar on what they expect for themselves. A talk by the well known and respected femisnist author and activist. 1.30pm East Concourse Lounge, Portland Building
One World Week