Between 15 and 17 August, the British National Party will be holding its annual Red, White and Blue "festival" at Codnor-Denby in Derbyshire on land owned by former BNP councillor Alan Warner. For months now, local anti-fascist groups and trade unions have been working to organise a protest on 16 August.
This protest was initiated by Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP, a campaign launched in January by a conference of one hundred labour movement, student and anti-fascist activists sponsored by local unions including FBU, UCU, Unison and the NUT. Notts Stop the BNP aims to build an anti-fascist movement on a working-class basis - mobilising mass action to physically confront the fascists and raising social demands around issues like jobs, homes and services to undercut their base.
The protest also involves Derby Unite Against Fascism, other local anti-fascist groups and a multitude of trade union organisations. East Midlands Unison, East Midlands TUC and the rail union RMT are sponsoring it, and RMT general secretary Bob Crow will be speaking.
Unfortunately, the national Unite Against Fascism organisation has been less keen to support the protest. After months of refusing to acknowledge the issue at all - ignoring repeated invitations to come and get involved in the organisation of the protest, and refusing to announce it from the platform at various national events - UAF has now called its own protest, taking place just down the road and at a different time from where and when the main protest is taking place!! (The UAF website implies that theirs is the only protest and supported by all the sponsors, but this is simply not true.)
UAF leader Weyman Bennett met representatives of the local campaign - including the chair of Derby UAF and a representative of East Midlands TUC - on Friday 25 July, but refused to agree to the amalgamation of the protests.
This is bizarre and outrageous behaviour.
UAF is dominated by the Socialist Workers Party (SWP); it may be that its leadership are reluctant to support a protest that they do not control, and one organised with the involvement of other socialist groups. If so, they should sober up! This protest is far too important to let sectarianism get in the way. We call on UAF to enter negotiations with the local campaign for the amalgamation of their protest into the main one, so that we can strike at the BNP and their racist "festival" with a single fist.
Meanwhile, we urge the labour movement and anti-fascists to mobilise for the protest.
For more details, including a contact email for transport, how to support the campaign and where to go on 16 August, see

For the Facebook group for the protest, see

30.07.2008 13:35
The cheek of it.
from UAF website:
"Unite Against Fascism are calling on every organisation and individual opposed the BNP's attempt to hold an event aimed at stirring up race hate, to protest near the rally site in Codnor, Derbyshire from 11am on Sat 16th August (exact timings and venue tbc).
This protest is called by Derby, Mansfield and Nottingham Trades Council, Derby Unite Against Fascism, Notts Stop the BNP, and Unite Against Fascism nationally. Supported by East Midlands TUC (and in conjunction with local and regional trade union organisations and local UAF/ LMHR groups)."
Fly Posters
Because they sell more papers that way
30.07.2008 14:19
30.07.2008 14:49
Fuck the UAF!
Reality Check
Maybe it's the opressive, capitalist dictionary I'm using...
30.07.2008 15:43
Then again, the last thing the SWP wants is to actually get rid of such a handy protest target.
MonkeyBot 5000
30.07.2008 18:52
I personally want nothing to do with UAF or ANTIFAR. Alot of my colleagues think likewise...
You lot are mad
No pasaran
30.07.2008 21:20
> anti-fascism in Britain as it is such a money spinner for them.
> These fuckers are so utterly enamored with the commercial business
> school approach to growth, (market monopoly and brand strength)
> that they are willing to sabotage genuine efforts to confront the
> BNP.
> They almost certainly do not want their brand (Love Music Hate
> Racism) associated with serious attempts to shut down the RWB as it
> will affect their ability to hold pop concerts in the future. (And
> holding pop concerts as we all know is the only real way to defeat
> the fascist threat). Controlling or splitting the counter demo is a
> good way of protecting their future income.
> Standing in solidarity against the BNP with the good and honourable
> people of Codnor and the surrounding area certainly does not even
> register on the radar of the UAF big-wigs.
> Fortunately, us being Antifa imbued as we are with the true spirit
> of anti-fascism don't give a fuck about Weymann Bennett, the UAF,
> LMHR or the SWP.
> We are safe in the knowledge that all systems and organisations
> that rely on continued growth regardless of the costs to people,
> the environment, integrity and decency will ultimately collapse
> under their own contradictions. Brought to their knees by the very
> people they treat with such disdain and whimsy.
> We offer our solidarity and friendship to Notts Stop the BNP and
> all the ordinary people who are determined to spoil the Fascists'
> fun and register their dissent at the presence of such scum in
> their area.
> If you want to join Antifa in shutting down the RWB festival give
> us a ring on 07522 034 032 and visit our website.
30.07.2008 23:46
LMHR and UAF are the only people who have defeated the BNP.
Our national campaigns unite black and white.
Antifa are tools of Islamaphobic state conspricay oppression.
They will do NOTHING at this demo but attack decent black and white protesteors.
Avoid them and stay with the main protest.
new low for an swp drone
31.07.2008 02:01
You accuse antifascists of being racist? Wtf?!
Sectarian? When the UAF/SWP deliberately fuck over the agreed demo?
Tools of 'Islamaphobic state conspricay oppression.'????
Seriously, read that again. If you truly agree with that you may as well put on the tin foil hat and join the 9/11 'truthers'.
"They will do NOTHING at this demo but attack decent black and white protesteors."
yeah, that's right, those nasty anti fascists love beating up the blacks. FFS read what you're saying!!
"Avoid them and stay with the main protest."
Isn't the main protest precisely the one the UAF/SWP are screwing over?
Your arguments and political position are vile. If you only see the protest as a recruiting ground you shouldn't be there.
anti-fascist, anti-leninist
boy in a coma
31.07.2008 07:39
history man
"LMHR and UAF are the only people who have defeated the BNP. "
31.07.2008 08:17
Response to L Green
31.07.2008 09:52
Firstly, this is not just a dispute between UAF and Antifa, but between UAF and a wide variety of labour movement, anti-fascist and local campaigning groups that have come together to organise this protest.
You write:
"Just more sectarian, racist nonsense."
a) Who is being racist? How? Can you explain what you mean, please?
b) Isn't the sectarianism here that of UAF - who, having ignored this mobilisation for months (to the point of refusing to let it be announced from their platform at the demo in London!), are now refusing to come on board and instead organising their own demo? Can you explain how that isn't sectarian?
"LMHR and UAF are the only people who have defeated the BNP."
Notts Stop the BNP has organised serious protests, including a mass action that stopped the BNP from meeting. In any case, it and Derby UAF are the local campaigns. They have organised a demo. Why isn't UAF nationally backing it?
"Our national campaigns unite black and white."
So does Notts Stop the BNP. What are you suggesting?
"Antifa are tools of Islamaphobic state conspricay oppression."
I'm not a supporter of Antifa, but this is just ridiculous, offensive slander. Listen to yourself!
"They will do NOTHING at this demo but attack decent black and white protesteors."
"Avoid them and stay with the main protest."
The main protest is the one called by the local campaigns, which is backed by the unions and has been organised for months. Can you explain why you're referring to the hastily called UAF one as the "main" protest?
So Trolls want a slanging match?
31.07.2008 12:52
Now trolls are calling me the troll!
We had 110,000 at Victoria Park, 10,000 on a march through London calling for Unity. Where were you people then???
Only a national campaign can stop the BNP and replace Labour in areas where the fascists are stronger.
Other groups of "anti-fascists" do nothing to tackle Islamaphobia. Hope Not Hate actively encourage it.
What right do these smaller organisations have to call small, squadist demonstrations and what will they achieve?
UAF are calling for a national demonstation under a united banner to tackle the BNP. We are the original Anti-Nazi League, the organisation that actually STOPPED the National Front in its heyday.
Can anyone on this forum prove exactly what they have done in the fight against the BNP???
Can any of them tell me how they have encouraged black and Asian people to defend themselves from fascism and racism?
No? No-one?
Your "demonstrations" are sectarian, divisive and exclude black and Asian minority people from protesting against the BNP. It is black and Asian people who are most at risk from the BNP.
Where are your black and Asian members coming from??
Where are your coaches??
Silnce is golden until you get with the program.
L. Green
Is it SWP trolls pretending to be anti-fascists..
31.07.2008 13:48
(If it breaks copyright why cant a link just be added?)
I reckon half the would be fash on here are SWP anyway, most fash cant even type...
Texts useful and critical of the glorious ANL history
31.07.2008 13:48
Letter to UAF
31.07.2008 16:09
to whom it may concern,
I write to you today to express my dismay over your recent intentions for a protest against the Red White and Blue festival in Codnor this August, I have been planning to attend this demonstration for sometime, and have been following who is mobilising for this with interest. I fully plan on attending the picket with Notts Stop the BNP, as they are the main group who have been building for this for a long time, unlike Antifa, they are accessable to all antifascists, and seem to want to directly disrupt and make it hard for the festival to take place - a stance which I admire.
I have been suprised and shocked, as I was hoping that UAF nationally would have also been building for this, but apart from a few local groups, UAF have not been investing any time, and also impotantly money.
Then to my utter amazement, and horror, I see from your website that you have taken the information from Notts Stop the BNP's flyer, and website put in on your own website and flyer, and are calling it your own. Also to boot, you have changed the time and location specified to filter people away from the picket to a protest near but not at the site of the RWB.
UAF have not been building for this, and you do not have the support of the trade unions and groups that you mention, Notts Stop the BNP do, furthermore, to filter people away from a direct picket, by anti-fascists and unionised workers to a protest away from the site can only be viewed on the same level as scabbing.
James Truman,
Unionised worker and anti-fascist.
James Truman
Note to Antifa
31.07.2008 18:06
James Truman
just a suggestion
01.08.2008 02:14
not a paper seller
01.08.2008 07:38
- This ain't a about foxing the paper sellers, it is about shutting down the red white and blue.
Get to the Notts stop the bnp meet and 9am and shut em down.
Paper Sellers
01.08.2008 08:21
01.08.2008 11:40
It would be good if you could provide some evidence. In any case, this demonstration is not called by Searchlight or Hope Not Hate. Moreover, the founding conference of Notts Stop the BNP passed a very strong policy against what you call Islamophobia (ie anti-Muslim racism).
> We had 110,000 at Victoria Park, 10,000 on a march through London calling for Unity. Where were you people then???
We were there, actually. Similarly, we came on the recent LMHR demo to leaflet for the RWB mobilisation - only to be told it couldn't be announced from the platform. Luckily Mark Serwotka of the PCS ignored that and did announce it!
> Only a national campaign can stop the BNP and replace Labour in areas where the fascists are stronger.
I'm in favour of a national campaign. What you are advocating for Nottingham? That the campaign folds up and just does whatever UAF nationally tells it? This is ludicrous!
> What right do these smaller organisations have to call small, squadist demonstrations and what will they achieve?
You keep focussing on Antifa. Antifa are a welcome part of the RWB demo, but not all of it. This is going to be a large demo; it has the support of numerous local groups and trade unions, including East Midlands TUC, East Midlands Unison, RMT and PCS. This is not a squaddist action.
> UAF are calling for a national demonstation under a united banner to tackle the BNP. We are the original Anti-Nazi League, the organisation that actually STOPPED the National Front in its heyday.
> Your "demonstrations" are sectarian, divisive and exclude black and Asian minority people from protesting against the BNP. It is black and Asian people who are most at risk from the BNP.
How so?
> Where are your black and Asian members coming from??
Well, being Asian, I don't really know what to say.
> Where are your coaches??
What are you actually advocating? That the local demo shouldn't have been organised? That it should fold up and become part of the last minute UAF rally?
Stop hanging out minor dirty linen, will be great demo, bring bikes4 bus scouts+
01.08.2008 11:47
should be a great demo, well done to majority of good organisers. Now all moaners shut up & stop hanging out the dirty washing. We have great unity & only minority of swp leaders are being abit mardy, it could be worse, !!!
Dont worry Mr Warners is getting loads of shit, from plenty of people especially the locals there for a start, we dont want them to stop the festi we want it here so we can stop them for good:)
01.08.2008 12:23
02.08.2008 11:48
On one side we have Notts Stop the BNP, Derby UAF, a number of other local anti-fascist and anti-racist groups, numerous local activists, Antifa, various socialist groups, numerous local trade union branches and trades councils, East Midlands Unison, East Midlands TUC, RMT, PCS etc etc etc.
On the side we have the SWP and the clique in the leadership of UAF.
swp papers
02.08.2008 11:57
we need them like we need the police to look after us .i,m sure the cowards from the swp will be in league with the police for their protection(cowards)this is the last thing we need .it would be much better with no filth around then we (the real antifa)could do what we must do.
Tyndall, BNP, Jyllands-Posten and AWL.
02.08.2008 18:28
In 1999, Sacha' Ismail invited Tyndall of the National Front/BNP to speak.
AWL UK and BNP were the only two political groups to publish the Jyllands-Posten cartoons in Britain.
AWL oppose cross-class, multi-faith anti-fa and refuse to work with small-c conservative Muslims in the fight against fascism.
The only sectarian behavior from those involved in this campaign is coming from the AWL who are using this demo as an opportunity to spread their own propaganda as discussed in their Summer Conference 2006.
02.08.2008 20:20
history man
Bash the SWP
03.08.2008 18:09
Neo-Nazi Trolls Divide & Conquer
04.08.2008 01:57
Just to answer one of the anonymous trolls (small-dicked Mark Collett, probably:-) No, the BNP are ANYTHING BUT UNITED.
Check out the challenge for leadership blog to discover more.
Troll Smasha