Thursday 31st July
12 - 2 Free Vegan Food Giveaway outside McDonalds
18 - 19.45 KFC Leaflt & Demo
20.15 meeting at sumac
contact for more details/suggestions/questions/fanmail on

After a few mammoth meetings previously, meetings will now be run slightly differently. Obviously, if this doesn’t work we can always revert or change again!
To keep things focused, we will try to have an agenda for each meeting and at the start there will be the opportunity to add to the agenda. This way we will know where we are headed and keep focused! If you want to chat about something feel free to get in touch a day in advance of the meeting or earlier and it can be added to the agenda.
Also to try and ensure we all get to chat and speak, there will be a token object for the speaker to hold. If you don’t have this mythical object - keep yer gob shut and wait your turn!
UPDATE: the meeting was finished within an hour, allowing for a break in the middle of the agenda. We covered 10 items! Go us! We will try this set up next time and hope it might be a permanent change.
2. Grantham Vegsoc
The newly formed Grantham vegsoc had their first stall in Grantham this Saturday past. The event went very well and Notts AR members helped out too. For more info check out Indy media! Congrats to Sammy for getting it all sorted and kicking off with style. Look out for future events!
3. Foie Gras Free Nottingham
A provisional draft of a letter to be sent to restaurants asking them to join us in a ‘foie gras free Nottingham’ was passed around. There will be a few minor alterations following the meeting, and then a second draft will be emailed around the Notts AR mailing list. Just let us know if you have any suggestiosn or edits and we will work on getting a letter ready to send out by next meeting.
In addition, we will write a letter specifically to send to the council which will be similarly passed around for feedback.
Viva! Have produced postcards that members of the public can use to send to councils to express their support for a ban on foie gras. We hope to get hold of these and encourage those lovely Nottingham folks to do jus that.
Time scale: letters to be sent by 31/07. We will wait two weeks in hope of responses and then, if necessary we may arrange some form of peaceful demonstration to get the real deal out there.
Tasks: Dave B to produce list of restaurants currently serving foie gras and addresses to arrange mailing letters!
3. Kentucky Fried Chicken / Cruelty
After a very successful demo this evening, with overwhelmingly public support and enthusiasm we will be making KFC leafleting sessions a regular occurrence. The next one will be two weeks time (Thursday 31st july) 6 - 7.45. Meeting at lions in market sq. 17.50 please - any problems, fan mail or hate mail just give us a shout.
Tasks: Come along to the next demo! Also, we are going to try get some placards (Kentucky Fried Cruelty), our own leaflets and find a chicken costume for next time. Anyone who wants to rummage at sumac would be most welcome to - who knows what treasures it holds!
4.(Free) Food Glorious Food!
One of our favourite past times is monopoly. Another is free food give-a-ways so be there or be square. 12 - 2 at McDonalds by St. Peter’s church. Meet at Sumac from10, city centre at 12 or a bit before. Any qs just get in touch!
Tasks: Sort out some lovely free food by contacting:
Rosemary’s health food store / Natural Health Food Co.
Dotty’s Café
Screaming Carrott
Alley Café (dave!)
Fry / Beanies / Redwood
5. (Anything but) Jolly’s Circus
Jolly’s circus continues to pester compassionate citizens of Nottingham with its cruel entertainment. We will continue to monitor their whereabouts and schemes and hope to arrange some form of peaceful, legal action. If you would be interested in getting involved in any events concerning captive animals and circus please just get in touch.
6. BUAV (British Union Against Vivisection)
BUAV are looking for lovely folks to support and lead local campaigns / collections / stalls. If anybody is interested then please get in touch with Katherine Holloway on 0207 619 6977 or

7. Animal Aid Collection & Stall 26th July Saturday
In our usual place (St. Peter’s / in front of Hotel Chocolat / Opposite M&S) Beth & Rob will be holding an information stall, including a collection for Animal Aid. Any help would be much appreciated! The stall will take place from 10 onwards… see ya there folks.