Henry, a Nottingham Stop the War activist, had been accused of painting the slogans "War for Oil" and "Terrorists Join Here" on the outside of the Armed Forces Recruitment Office at the Victoria Centre, Nottingham.
He had been charged with criminal damage and appeared in Nottingham Magistrates Court to answer the charge.
NSTWC supporters demonstrated outside the court in support of Henry and against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
[Result unknown, on making this report, more news shortly].
It appears Henry was found Guilty. There is some confusion as to the sentence however. It might have been a suspended sentence or a conditional discharge. The confusion is not just me, but the courts! This is getting looked into. Additionally, Henry had been directed to pay £200 compensation for the damage done to the Armed Forces Recruitment Office. I understand he wont be paying saying that: "I don't give money to terrorist organisations" :-)
So, there you have it.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Email: tash@indymedia.org
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Well Done
19.07.2008 07:48
More photos
19.07.2008 14:14
Pictures after the case
20.07.2008 00:17
Henry's handwork
an earlier example
Also, I thought you might like to see the handywork, that lead to this court hearing.
Even the Evening Post reported on it all ..... Gosh!
nottsantimilitarism blog
nottsantimilitarism report
Tash [alan lodge]
20.07.2008 12:52
Many thanx Henry!
20.07.2008 17:38
from Ireland
where we contniue to oppose the use of Sannon Airport
for the refueling of shuttles of U.S. cannon fodder to Iraq
Ciaron O'Reilly
Pit Stop Ploughshares
Homepage: http://www.peaceontrial.com