Protest against fascist BNP's Red, White & Blue
Join the protest to stop the BNP Rally in Derbyshire
Saturday August 16th
11am in the village of Codnor, Derbyshire, East Midlands
A protest will take place against the Red, White & Blue fascist rally organised by the BNP in Derbyshire on Saturday August 16th.
Despite significant local opposition — including the withdrawal of a premises (alcohol & music) licence by the local authority and police — the BNP are going ahead with their Nazi rally in the Derbyshire countryside. In previous years, BNP members were secretly filmed by BBC documentary makers singing Nazi marching songs at the event.
Unite Against Fascism are calling on every organisation and individual opposed the BNP's attempt to hold an event aimed at stirring up race hate, to protest near the rally site in Codnor, Derbyshire from 11am on Sat 16th August (exact timings and venue tbc).
This protest is called by Derby, Mansfield and Nottingham Trades Council, Derby Unite Against Fascism, Notts Stop the BNP, and Unite Against Fascism nationally. Supported by East Midlands TUC (and in conjunction with local and regional trade union organisations and local UAF/ LMHR groups).
For further information contact the national UAF office on 020 7833 4916 /

And if you want to avoid being penned in with a load of trot paper-sellers
14.07.2008 22:17
quick off the mark aren't you?
14.07.2008 22:40
Now i don't lol
Anne T. Faugh
Situations vacant
15.07.2008 10:57
Want to waste your time on pointless marches waving a lollipop or standing behind police lines shouting trite slogans at the BNP, instead of going in and dealing with them directly?
Fancy being bossed around by clueless ‘stewards’ who collaborate with the cops?
Want to be recruited into the Socialist Workers Party?
If so, you should contact the Unite Against Fascism about the Red, White and Blue protests.
If you want to get on with the job of smashing fascism contact your local Antifa group:
Quick of the mark doesn't even come close, up until a few weeks ago our local SWP were denying any knowledge of a protest against Red, White and Blue!
Great to see unity in action
15.07.2008 12:54
Numbers are key to this demo and antifa do nobody favours with their usual secterian ways.
The point is get there whether its with UAF, antifa or whoever (i dont care), people can decide what action to take after a proper assessment of the situation. If 20,000 anti nazis turn up then were talking, if 100 turn up then our actions will be limited, simple as.
SWP, non-sectarian?
15.07.2008 18:46
Autonomous groups have always had to protect themselves from hierachical groups such as the SWP who wish to swallow up all dissent under one banner, and effectively subdue all action to a load of people chanting slogans. I myself and many others involved in campaigns and activist groups of a wide variety have experienced this. Why do you think the turn-over of SWP members is so high?
If you want to disrupt for stop the festival from taking place (a pretty worthwhile goal) then direct action is needed, something UAF would never be willing to encourage. It does not matter how many people turn up to a demo if stewards boss people around and protestors are reprimanded for doing anything which will actually work.
I would recommend that people involved in UAF who are planning on going should break away and plan their own action if the idea of sitting penned up in a protest chanting ineffectual slogans for several hours is not your cup of tea. And if you have no experience of direct action then perhaps contacting Antifa might be a good place to start.
Who's the real enemy?
16.07.2008 17:57
Come on guys, this leftier-than-thou isn't doing anyone any favours.
See you there
See you there
16.07.2008 21:59
And if the RWB has not been scrapped by the 16th August, let's get out there together, bypass the cops, bypass the Trots, and close the fucker down.
You obviously know nothing of the SWP tradition
16.07.2008 22:52
Do they know nothing of the battle with the NF in the 70's, the last time the nazis were a threat, do they know nothing of the battle against the NF when they were driving from the streets of Lewisham by the ANL (SWP were heavily involved) do they know nothing of the battles with the NF in brick lane, do they know that a SWp comrade named Blair Peach was killed by police in 1978 by the police when he was protesting against the nazis. Do they know nothing when the NF were driving away from the streets all along the UK in the 70's initiated by SWP members, this is our proud tradition, what is antifa?
Look i dont mean to put you down but please when you have no record it a bit sleazy to be rightous on this matter.
imc take this off
17.07.2008 08:55
IMC please take the above comment off
The SWP tradition
17.07.2008 10:03
The SWP have contributed little positive to anti-fascism since the late 1970's, when the ANL was forcibly shut down.
Since that time the SWP's role has been counter-productive and confused with little understanding of the changing nature of fascism.
For example, last months pathetic demonstration in central London which had a few thousand people shouting 'smash the Nazi BNP'.
The UAF are not interested in 'shutting down' RWB, they will organise a counter-protest several miles away where they can be penned in by police and sell Socialist Workers to the people who've turned up.
Antifa is a relatively new organisation but it stands in the tradition of militant anti-fascism. The SWP is opposed to this.
As for the comment about Blair Peach, yes his death was a tragedy and outrage but getting killed is not and achievement and nothing to be proud of!
RedLetter and the SWP tradition
17.07.2008 10:49
17.07.2008 10:59
Old International Socialist & Antifascist
red `white and blue
17.07.2008 17:02