The Red, White and Blue Festival is due to be held on a farm near Nottingham on the weekend commencing the 15th of August.
The event is an opportunity for the inbreds of the party membership to organise their continuing and devisive assault on the working class people of Britain and beyond.
We at Antifa therefore intend to shut it down.
If you too are sick of the baffling success of these thick twats, their lies and their hate, we urge you join our mobilisation on the 16th of August.
We will be descending upon their farm and wish to encourage as many people as possible to join us. For details of where you need to be, at what time and any available transport from your area please call Antifa on 07522 034032.
We look forward to seeing you there, NO PASARAN!
AHA you've been rumbled
24.06.2008 08:04
SWP Felix
24.06.2008 08:43
As an observation, I was just watching the video from Saturdays demo and the commentary over the top near the end says "we'll smash them off the streets". How exactly?
To Rudeboy
24.06.2008 09:22
What we need is a real Socialist alternative that brings back fairness, decency and equality back to British Politics, instead of a system that is set up for the needs of a 2% privaleged few. Real politics is all about hard work and commitment, that has little short term reward, but in the end is about achieving a better fairer society. It is not about breaking windows and scrapping in the street.
SWP Felix
24.06.2008 09:27
The SWP are about as revolutionary as Alan fuckin Titchmarsh. Ignore them, and get involved with Antifa who actually know what they're doing.
You say Trotsky, we say Icepick!
At Rudeboy
24.06.2008 09:44
Football Hooligans have feelings too.
24.06.2008 10:02
24.06.2008 10:29
It's time to chuck this Trottery to the garbage bin of history where it belongs.
There is no place for either the authoritarianism of the SWP or the BNP. They are two faces of the same poxy coin. Both wanting to shaft the working classes with their oppressive doctrines.
Onwards and Upwards to International Anti-authoritarianism! Lets learn form the anarchists of Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris, Thessalonikki etc etc etc and kick the anti-working classes on their dictatorial arses!
Go Antifa!
Petra Dory
24.06.2008 11:49
As for Rudeboy's remarks about football hooligans having more rebellious spirit in their little fingers than the UAF/SWP do in their whole organisation, i think it was somewhat tongue in cheek but the i think many of them are more likely to follow through on their statements, whereas the SWP may talk of "smashing the BNP" but do very little about it.
Obviously you can't beat an ideology into the ground using violence, there has to be an alternative and i think many of the people you criticise are actively involved in creating an alternative at a grass roots level. The difference between class struggle anti-fascists like those in antifa is not simply that they are prepared to back up their speaches with actions but that they organise democratically at a grass roots level, they aren't a recruiting arm of a political party and are thus more effective in underming fascism at a community level.
SWP Felix
24.06.2008 12:21
I would like to point out...
24.06.2008 15:31
The cynical opportunistic careerists who have bled dry and burnt out many a would be anti-fascist in an effort to prop up the dynasty that is the SWP.
Now let's get down to business and make our presence felt on the 16th of August.
don't worry
24.06.2008 15:41
(A) Sab x
I Think This Should Stop
24.06.2008 17:42
I don't know who this self-appointed, anonymous SWP spokesperson is. Why initiate a silly attack on fellow anti-fascists? Who cares who was hanging around the London demonstration, and whether they support football or not?
Perhaps SWP Felix is from somewhere other than Nottingham. Predictably it has merely generated a vast number of similar replies. This is not productive
Branch Secretary,
Nottingham SWP,
John Shemeld
24.06.2008 18:41
working class lass
Class-less society
24.06.2008 20:01
Must go-time for tiffin
24.06.2008 21:00
Now if some rich chap or chappess wnats to come join mobilisations for the RWB festival then that is great, get them down there, however this is different from asking the middle/upper class to defeat fascism because if we are going to actually defeat fascism once and for all we will need to undermine the system that creates the conditions that it grows in, that is capitalism and obviously most upper class people have a vested interest in protecting that system and the wealth and power it allows them to have.
"a marginalised sect"
24.06.2008 23:14
SWP Felix: Knock! Knock!
ANL: "Who's there?"
"SWP Felix"
"Felix my lollipop I'll go crying to my rich daddy."
24.06.2008 23:22
BNP trolls are more active than ever on Indymedia, to cause in-fighting between anarchists and socialists.
24.06.2008 23:23
BNP trolls are more active than ever on Indymedia, to cause in-fighting between anarchists and socialists.
24.06.2008 23:27
Don't be fooled by the SWP/UAF
25.06.2008 00:48
25.06.2008 08:21
At the moment big business in the Western world relies on a steady stream of cheap labour from the third world for exploitation and making money, Capitalism involves the movement of Industry to the cheapest possible labour source or the movement of cheap labour to that industry. This is not motivated by racism (except in the terms of exloitatative terms of foreign workers) but motivated by greed and profit.
I am a member of the SWP and keen to fight against Racism and Fascism, but I do not believe that Antifa are the best solution as the two evils are seperate entities that have to be tackled differently. Fascism has to be beaten by getting the wroking classes motivated to tackle big business, financial inequality and the corrupt Electoral process, whilst Racism has to be tackled through proper education.
To Arthur
25.06.2008 09:58
Arthur "Mum where's my black hoodie"
"Its in the wash, you never take it of"
"But I need it I'm an Anarchist"
"Wear the blue hoodie"
"How can I be an anarchist in a blue hoodie, you're just a traitor to the working classes you fascist"
"But Arthur you're on the dole, how can you be working class if you've never worked"
"I refuse to be exploited, give me my black hoodie or I'll go and live in a squat"
"You won't like it in a squat, you won't have all your hot dinners, hot showers and me doing your bloody washing"
SWP Felix
25.06.2008 11:52
It is perfectly possible that in a socialist society you may have people who hold racist views, i expect you'd still have murderers and rapists, i'm not under any illusion that the end of capitalism would create some utopia in which all human shortcomings are erradicated, that would be naive. However with the abolition of the profit motive and the neccessity to pit wokring class against working class in order to drive down wages and maintain inequalities you would expect such instances of racism to become less prevalent.
Its not simply about big business or the shortcomings of the elctoral process. These are both progeny of capitalism itself and breaking up monopolies or trying to make the sham of parliamentary democracy more transparent won't change the core of the system we live under. The driving motives will still remain.
As for antifa, i think their policy of tackling the far right on a practical and theoretical level is more effective than waving placards at them or asking people to vot anybody but the BNP. Such tactics are obviously patronising and do nothing to tackle the causes of the BNP growth, it is the Labour government who have created done so much to create the conditions in which the BNP have grown so asking people to vote for that same government is obviously going to change very little.
just one quick question
25.06.2008 16:37
Like some spot-on person here said; you do not contact with a class you're a part of. it tends to happen naturally, unless someone superglues yer gobs
fair crack
25.06.2008 19:09
seriously tho, I think Nottingham SWP should be given a chance to state their intentions in August, maybe the'll noty be the usual? - here's hoping. so, John Shemald, what you sayin?
Mobilising against the RWB
25.06.2008 23:05
individual members
27.06.2008 06:13
27.06.2008 16:49
28.06.2008 14:22
the swp are regarded as a joke ,,waving their lollypops shouting a load of crap and selling their swp mags that are regarded as a comic .
also its true that 90% of their membership are just inpressionable students and a few teachers .the students only turn up to carry favour with the teachers to get better grades. sad but true
we on the left have to move from outdated idiot groups like swp and the only answer is antifa look at what we do in other countries.
swp tossers
29.06.2008 22:29
truth 2.0
30.06.2008 10:13
truth 2.0
Touche Brute
30.06.2008 23:23
Fuck the BNP, Fuck Authority and Fuck The Social Workers Party
15.07.2008 13:18
Coming out with all this "we need to work with the working class" etc. is bollocks. We are the working class and we know what's best for us and it's not the fucking middle class and the SWP. If it wasn't for the middle class getting inolved we wouldn't have the problems of fascism.
Fuck the BNP, Fuck Authority and Fuck the Social Workers Party.
Northern Antifa Anarchist
You are all stupid
17.08.2008 00:06
I live close to the red white and blue event and all this rubbish has got more people noticing the bnp as a result of the protests.
Utter stupidity in my opinion.There will most probably be a divide in my community as a result.Senseless violence will follow as there are a lot of impressionable youngsters who will be entertained by all of this.
A lot of hard work has been done in these areas to combat racism and these areas were coping quite well,until now that is.
Apparantly the festival was held at the same place last year.
This suprised me as i didn`t know it was held in Codnor,but this year due to all the free advertising i was well aware.As im sure many others were,clever move.
Police are absolutely swarming local areas and sirens going off constantly.
What have you created?
A new race war in another area that`s what.
I wonder sometimes if you protesters are actually the devil in disguise.
Protesters never used to be terrorists,but you are fast becoming that way.
Or maybe you have terrorists working in amongst you.
Communicating with the working class?
Dont make me laugh,more like brainwashing them to do your bidding.
Well i have had enough now but i will depart stating that problems have been created where there were none.