Set out below is a list from the neighbourhoods working group of the type stuff we will need. We should try and contribute to the central tat as much as we can. The the list is not exhaustive so if you have useful stuff not on the list please email and offer whatever you have.
If you have any of the items on the list or know where we can get it from please email the list at

This year the aim is for neighbourhoods to be as self sufficient as possible and with that in mind neighbourhoods should aim to be as autonomous as they reasonably can be in meeting their needs. Water and toilets and some power are sorted centrally but neighbourhoods are welcome to aim to be self -supporting in all other areas, and to support the teams that will be setting water, power and toilets up.
The items that have a cross X next to them will be supplied centrally where possible if neighbourhoods truly cannot supply them themselves. Be aware we will need lots of notice of lack, particularly on structures. These are items that neighbourhoods cannot function without and you should check on them as soon as possible and start working towards getting and storing them. The items that are essential but will not necessarily be available centrally are starred * and should be provided by neighbourhoods. Start checking local skips now! We always need wood; rope, tarps and pallets so keep an eye out for generally useful stuff.
Unmarked items are important and necessary and should be sought out but some things can be shared, borrowed and begged if you forget them. It is up to neighbourhoods how much of this stuff they bring.
General Structures and Neighbourhood Layout
At least one large marquee or two smaller.X *
Some people prefer the kitchen marquee to be separate. Remember you will need to store food, have a preparation area and also have space for meetings and socialising.
Metal Kitchen Sinks. At least two for washing up and one for hand-washing area.* X Last year we had standpipes near kitchens on mains water. If your sink has taps with pipe/fittings that can join on to 20mm or 25mm blue MDPE water pipe, you may be able to get a direct connection into your kitchen.
Toilet Seats
There will be centralised toilets provided, but why not bring extra toilet seats for the straw bales
Wooden Stands for the Sinks *
Pallets and Boarding for walkways and food storage*
Wheelie Bins* X
Rugs and old carpet for flooring
Cushions and seating material
Plastic Sheeting *
Seating for people
Flipchart paper, pens drawing pins and notice boards
Small tables
Gaffer Tape/Zip or Cable ties/poly-prop rope*
Market trader type big clips/clamps for securing tarps
Basic tools such as hammers, screwdrivers and spanners.*
Low Energy Light Bulbs (12 volt options are best)* X
Solar Panels or Alt Tech power sources
Large Batteries Car batteries are good but the best for holding charge and being recharged are leisure batteries and deep cycle batteries * X
Household electric cable and connectors (bulldog clips or car battery connectors)* X
Tea-lights and Candles*
Jars and Holders for Candles