1. Review of ‘McLibel’ Free Food Giveaway
The days’ events were discussed; all involved were pleased with the event and especially so by the enthusiasm and interest shown by the general public. One woman in particular was eager to add her condemnation of McDonald’s less than environmentally friendly practices.
The enthusiasm we were met with, however, meant that food was gone all too soon! Next time it was suggested we hold back the food until everything is ready, as to pace ourselves a little better.
For the next event (4th July), a provisional list of possible companies and restaurants who might want to be involved was drawn up. They will be contacted over coming weeks to confirm or otherwise. A rotational system will continue to operate, ensuring that veggie friendly businesses and restaurants around the city all have the opportunity to enjoy the positive promotion that invariably accompanies these events!
2. Upcoming Events
On 21st June there will be an information stall, 13.00 – 15.30 in the city centre, followed by a similar event next weekend. We wish the very best of luck to all those involved with Veggies trip to Glastonbury festival.
We hope to find a city based storage location for tables and materials for a stall as to make a regular stall easier to set up and maintain.
Our campaign for a Foie Gras Free Nottingham will continue following the Viva! roadshow (45th July) with new and imaginative events to highlight the incredible (and unjustifiable) cruelty involved in this dated dish.
We also hope to schedule future events to educate the public as to the less admirable business practices and industries involved with KFC. If Dan, who has previously suggested similar events, reads this, the group would much appreciate his input and thoughts!
3. T-Shirts & Branding
Inspired by the bright and eye-catching designs of SARC and WARN at recent national events, the group decided to design ‘Nottingham Animal Rights’ merchandise and t-shirts to promote our group, and promote solidarity between members. Designs & suggestions to be brought to our next meeting (Thursday 3rd July).
4. Meetings?
After discussion, it was decided to reformat our fortnightly meetings. Meetings will continue to be held fortnightly, but the location will be varied to include restaurants, cafes, pubs, bars, members’ houses etc. We hope that by doing so it will inject a little fun and the social element to meetings. It was also make it easier for city-centre based members and prospective members to attend. In the future, we would ask anyone interested in attending meetings to call any of our contact numbers (available at www.veggies.org.uk/nar) for info. as to the next venue.
Current Dates:
Wednesday 2nd July – Food Not Bombs / Food & Climate Change Meeting, 7.30 @ Sumac Centre.
Thursday 3rd July – Nottingham Animal Rights Meeting @ Broadway Bar 7.30 (with vegan food and drinks!) If you don’t know how to get to Broadway, either e-mail us or meet at the Lions in Market Square at 7.15.
Any suggestions, comments or input welcome, drop us a line.
Nottm AR Meeting - change of venue
02.07.2008 15:17
Bye Bye Rocky