Despite very heavy policing, the police inside stated their case overwhelmingly AGAINST the granting of the licence siting the very valid reasons that they feared a massive confrontation between fascists & anti-fascists during the 'festival'. Cops also said that they would only allow the licence if the bnp erected 10 foot, solid metal fences, (such as those seen @Glastonbury), with floodlights, plus badged security personnel per 100 attendees.
Alan Warners gorilla-like personal security guard, 'sweaty' Clarke, then went on to accuse the police present at the hearing to be pro left wing & in the pay of anti-fascists, (!)(a surprise to the anti-fascist demo outside who were being penned in by Derbyshires finest, the apparently new left-lovin' local force & the attending 'anarchists in training' fit team who were busy following antifa activists around...).
Shortly afterwards, the bnp announced that their tails were now so far up their arses that they'd have to leave the meeting before hearing the full decision & that Alan, 'it's my party and I'll cry if I want to', Warner, would have the festival anyway.
bnp supporters who turned up tonight outside the hearing, all 5 of them, had in their company, Nina Brown, Broxtowe bnp/Voice of Change parish councillor who interestingly, when asked where Sadie Graham was, told us that Sadie, former darling of the bnp, was now 'one of us'. What can she mean? Surely she wasn't opposed to the red white & blue was she?
Licence denied!
Yet another victory.
And yes Alan, we have got your flag, in case you wondered where it was.....
By the way, there won't always be a riot van parked outside your house like there was tonight....... We'll see you in August! ....If not before.....
good news
11.06.2008 08:44
Cnoncerned of gipton
OO AH Antifa!
11.06.2008 09:19
Had we all been planning to dance in a field twenty miles away as the UAF were planning this license would certainly have gone through.
Well done those in involved in Notts Stop the BNP Festival and well done Antifa.
Well done!
11.06.2008 09:59
On a seperate note it's a little worrying that the police have the power to stop events going ahead even though in this case I'm glad.
Well said Rudeboy!
11.06.2008 10:16
Plan B
11.06.2008 13:11
Presumably they're not going to cancel their annual get together just because they've been denied a licence in one particular location. They were expecting around 5000 people to attend this event and were hoping to raise a fair bit of cash, will they just go ahead with their original plans and hold it regardless? Or can they afford the glastonbury style fencing? If not will they go ahead and risk hosting the festival without police protection?
Will they try for a different site?
11.06.2008 15:16
Now residents can cite this decision as proof that any other site would likely experience the same level of crime and disorder.
MonkeyBot 5000
11.06.2008 16:13
Derby police inspector ignoring nazi deaththreats,congrats2denby&protesters
11.06.2008 17:31
When C18 security genius sweaty betty clarkey fart boy openly admitted he was a nazi they then allowed him in although his name wasnt on list, then he moans about antifash police. This happened whilst a member of Derby Telegraph was not allowed in.
None of the police looked proud to be there including the MET& Suffolk FIT & survelliance teams, the videors going red when it was shouted into their microphones they were only ordered to video antifash & not C18 BNP members who had bravely brought their toddlers to hide behind in case the going got tough.
Only one rank & file cop at seemed to be gaurding the hall without orders, he then argued BNP were not nazis aggressively & nodded when I said your in BNP then.
He can be seen on police video & antifash cam at start with a extra long phallic symbol on his hip doing the nazi gaurd,had red where his numbers should be& was wearing a traditional helmet with headcam in.
When asked to put their hands up if they felt proud about being there none of the police put their hands up.
Thanks to Lovely local girls for helping with the posters, they were annoyed at police aggressively taking their square also& said they didnt recognise many of the police there & that they reckoned most were specials. Local lads on bikes & scooters escorted us out of the square whilst police followed. Thanks for girls for tips on local club scene, a party nearby as well as a protest does sound like a good idea.Only a few activists were paperselling, personally I think its a bad idea on antifash demos to do this, security comes first, banners get the message across.
Nice chanting though & nice one to person that brought the fog horn, which got peeps back from the bikers;)
The pitiful nazi supporters included Nina Brown ex?Broxtowe BNP organiser & parish councillor who were joking about being nazis, they threatened us with the nazi terrorist redwatch website targetting antiwar,antiterrorist & libertarian socialists with murder & links to nazi death squads.
Its way,way beyond time these sick people were put in pschyiatric care for the criminally insane, their children put with good trained adopters who arent twisted before more incidents like those in austria don't happen anymore.
Thanks also to the other local supporters who stayed back as reinforcement & did alot of scouting, especially the good people of Denby
Green Syndicalist
Stopping criminally insanse Hitler supporters a festival is good, lots of green
11.06.2008 18:30
Should those minority that mess with innocent people, children & babies shouldnt have freedom to recruit,hide behind the flag& freedom of speech when most people despise them& nazi dictatorship perverted ways.
They have had it way to easy, the ratlines need to be holed, no more haven for nazis who consort& joke with fascist al Queada supporters like Hamza& organise with Bologna train bombers.
Green Syndicalist
Re: appeal
12.06.2008 08:44
This actually works in protesters favour here because the police are obliged to make objections to an application if it's likely to cause crime/disorder, or a public nuisance. Arguably, a ton of protesters turning up would qualify.
Any anti-BNP residents can use the same argument to block the festival. This could be a very useful tool as long as the focus is kept on the festival being the cause of the problem and protesters merely the symptom.
MonkeyBot 5000
Good News
12.06.2008 09:57
And Geen Syndiclist :-
"C18 security genius sweaty betty clarkey fart boy"
Made my fucking day, laughed my arse off!
I Hate the Fash
Antifa Ammo Dump
12.06.2008 12:55
Antifa ammo dump close to the RWB site
Free speech
12.06.2008 14:47
We may not agree with the views of these people, but by denying the free speech of people are you not yourselves acting like nazi's?
I speak out against corporations, human rights abuses and our governments actions, I will fight to the last to defend my right to free speech in this country, as I'm sure most of you reading this would.
What's the differance? The BNP gains power by it's lies and working on peoples fears of immigration, job losses etc. But it is, at last time I checked a legitimate political party with a right to voice it's opinions.
Free speech or just free speech for the people who agree with our views?
Free speech
'' Free Speech ''
12.06.2008 22:02
Cnoncerned of gipton
we won
12.06.2008 22:22
no parasan
green mac
Homepage: http://urban 75
12.06.2008 23:30
(the comment is half-way down the page posted by anomynous: -)
I hope the police realise that the threat of widespread blanket violence comes from the nobhead ugly minging neo-nazis, and not us anti-racist protestors, who are on the whole, non-violent.
Anonymous said...
"Note, in order to defend innocent British men, women, and children, there will be armed nationalist personnel at this event. Force and violence will be used against all -- I repeat, ALL -- left-wing agitators and terrorists. Commie blood will flow in the streets, God willing. 'One antifa, one bullet...' -- this is how we will take back Britain. Consider yourselves warned, you fucking commie scum".
5:58 PM, June 12, 2008
Can still go ahead?
13.06.2008 08:01
1. glastonbury style security and fencing
2. without selling booze and having amplified music.
that being the case, I think we need to keep the emphesis on mobilising against this.
Fly Posters
Not a free speech issue.
13.06.2008 11:07
Look, the BNP still have the right to freedom of speech as do those who wish to protest against them. Nobody's right to free speech has been infringed.
This is about the rights of the residents of a sleepy rural town to not have an attempt made by the BNP & Antifa to break the Guiness world record for shouting at each other. They have the right to a quiet life and a BNP festival would be too disruptive to that due to the public disorder likely to occur as the two sides exercise their right to free speech.
You've got a better chance of disrupting the BNP by appealing to middle-England's fear of change than shouting anti-fascist slogans. Many of the people in the area who disapprove of the BNP likely disapprove of the dirty pinkos who protest against them.
MonkeyBot 5000
Probably not cancelled?
18.06.2008 21:18
On the wider note - yes it's fairly easy for police to ban festivals, and for that matter to deny licenses to pubs and music venues, the laws on alcohol have been around a long time and were made worse under Thatcher and again under Blair, the music laws got tightened badly in the early years of Blair (the main thing being that every venue has to pay an extortionate fee for an official license to hold music), there were fears when this came in that it would squelch the small band/live music scene a lot; having previously been squeezed by the Criminal Justice Act (requiring permission to play "repetitive beats"). I have heard of police forcing one venue in Nottingham to install metal detectors as a condition of getting a license, and forcing another to take part in Challenge 21 by threatening to close it after a single case of underage drinking. At present people supposedly don't need permission for an "assembly" though it's rumoured the state want to change this and there's lots of other nonsense that gets used when the state doesn't want to allow a gathering (supposedly people are meant to "inform" police of a "procession" which can then be redirected, restricted or banned; require permission for events in certain parts of London; can be "dispersed" from assemblies in any of dozens of "dispersal zones" under ASBO law powers; exclusion zones can be declared under "anti-terror" laws; catch-alls like "breach of the peace" and "disorderly conduct" get used; there's some weird law where they can declare an area protest-free under public order law because of a general threat, which was used against GMB marchers during a three-month ban in Kent, to ban anti-Nazi events in Oldham, stop the Manchester M&S picket for a few months, etc etc). The police try to viciously suppress any and all free festivals - events earlier this year in Norfolk come to mind
and also awhile back when they banned Glastonbury for a year because organisers were refusing to comply with ridiculous demands (which they submitted to the following year). Glastonbury subsequently got hijacked by Mean Kiddy Fiddler as the company is known in activist parlance.
The film "On the Verge" also shows police raiding a picnic by Smash EDO on the pretext of some unused nineteenth-century byelaw. So it's not like this is some unprecedented new attack on gatherings which just happens to have been rolled out against the Nazis. It's just that they're doing to the Nazis what they do to the rest of us already.
Obviously there's the worry here that the same kind of provision could be used to ban, say, an anti-racism festival on the grounds that it might be attacked by racists. So we need to be prepared to defend this kind of thing. There's also previous case law under the 1934 (?) Public Order Act that threat of disorder by third parties (rather than marchers) cannot be grounds to ban an event, coming from a case where a group supposedly planned to attack a Salvation Army parade and the parade was banned. But this is related to a different kind of law.
On a not entirely unrelated note, a neo-Nazi BNP supporter (not identified as such in the media, but pinned as sending threats to people critical of the BNP - for some reason the media are more worried that he's a "postman") has been jailed for a four-year campaign of caustic soda mail bombs, bomb hoaxes, anthrax hoaxes and threatening letters directed at anti-racists, politicians, schools, mosques, churches and other targets.
On the one hand the way he was caught is very worrying - obviously this kind of lucky catch is one of the rationales behind DNA-testing everyone who's arrested, and it really isn't a fair cop - this kind of unrelated obtaining of intrusive evidence which just happens to prove something would be inadmissible most places and problematises whether the conviction is fair, for all that I would be quite happy to kick his face in in other circumstances. On the other hand, despite admitting 159 offences targeting 150 individuals and institutions, despite having shut down a motorway single-handed with a hoax bomb, despite being racially aggravated and also "aggravated for sheer nastiness", he gets a four-year sentence - roughly the same that Asians in Bradford got for throwing one stone, shorter than the six-year MINIMUM sentence (of possible LIFE imprisonment) an animal rights activist recently received for leaving suspicious packages, and shorter than Muslim protesters received just for shouting slogans that certain countries should be bombed. Looks like he's a non-citizen too - wonder how the BNP will feel if he gets deported at the end of his sentence - this is after all a law they supported!