We at Antifa are determined to do our best to spoil their fun. We will be organising a militant response to the BNP’s ScumFest, to be held in Derbyshire in August.
If you would like to join us please contact us at our national e-mail address and we’ll let you know about transport going from your area.
19.05.2008 20:32
20.05.2008 08:28
How many years can you get for violent assault in jail now? 10 years maybe more. As much as you like to think you are brave anarchists fighting for a greater good, the sight of a few policemen and you'll be on your toes. Don't kid yourselfs, you are a bunch of small time hoods living in a squat, not the Red Army Faction.
Jimbo you're a comedian!
20.05.2008 08:59
20.05.2008 09:15
watch this:
fly Posters
This one is better
20.05.2008 10:16
R W B should be fun this year you fascist muppets.
Lots of people can cause huge problems for the BNP here
20.05.2008 10:54
Fred West
International Antifa
20.05.2008 12:03
Paul De Mare
Good on you!
20.05.2008 13:04
Give them a good kicking from me.
Lets get em, though remember they will try & use kids as fodder just like hitler
21.05.2008 07:28
We can make life extremely difficult & shut down the festival without violence though if they attack let them tremble from our wrath.
They are child murdering torturing scum, apparently one of their leaders nazi heros who experimented on kids in death camps is still holding out in Chile, no doubt drinking with Pinochet family& toasting niave Maggie Thatcher the nazi ass kisser.
Ps Fred West get lost, stop trying to be a smart troll & limp back to your paedo child torturing worshipping masters cellar in Wales
Green Mack
22.05.2008 16:48
kim maguire
Nazis murdered kids on mass scale,BNP leadership still worship Hitler as exposed
23.05.2008 22:14
Green Mack
I spoke2family members with 1st hand experience of babies skulls smashed in
23.05.2008 22:24
Green Mack
24.05.2008 04:09
25.05.2008 11:14
kim maguire
25.05.2008 22:44
just out of curiosity send them back where..... all of the right wing scum are british so where do we send them? also "mordor"do ya mean all the bnp scum are going out to kill people tomorrow surely if this keeps happening it would be in the papers ....this is what i am referring to as lies ..our side keep saying . it makes us look so stupid we are laughable we have to progress beyond lying and the we will move forward.
green mac just out of curiousity how old are you??
kim maguire
27.05.2008 22:27
Red Mack
stop the cowards
05.06.2008 12:28
I unfortunately can't make it but best of luck. It does make you wonder about the councillors who allow this to go ahead on their patch though? Who's pulling their strings? Still, let them answer to the voters when they see such a huge police bill...
yosser hughes
A very bad idea
03.08.2008 09:30
1. Lose public support
2. Get arrested
3. Provoke a very emotional and defensive response from the people you are attacking. Nearly everyone would fight tooth and nail if they thought their kids were in danger. There are thousands at this event. They are not all weaklings. Some can fight and are martial arts trained.
Why do you wish to get arrested or injured in a confrontation that will lose you support from ordinary people? If you hurt one child it will be all over their propaganda. You will look sick and twisted.
John Eastmore
Stop talking about child torture and hitler please
19.11.2008 13:14
We are united too stop racism, torture and peadophilea is not race specific and does not belong here. Do not forgot that there was a time not too far before when the BNP were affiliated with racist militant groups and carried out numerous attacks on the non white population, but now the tables have turned and we have a choice of how to fight this ideology - physically or mentally.
Physically is carries a great risk, but sometimes is needed. But what happens after, so the BNP decide enough is enough and call it day? Of course not is just makes the hard line even harder. The BNP does not need any help ridiculing itself and mentally we can keep them contained with continued pressure and the education of our children. The BNP are a dying breed now, do not forget that.
Trevor McDonald