Heckler & Koch are the world's second-largest manufacturer of handguns, assault rifles, submachine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers.
Many wondered why a peaceful and lawful protest continues to attract the levels of surveillance this and similar events have done in the recent past. In addition to Nottinghamshire Police very own 'Evidence Gatherers' [EG]
At this event, some say that they were honored, that we again warranted the attendance of an officer from the Forward Intelligence Team of the Metropolitan Police CO 5494 PC Ian Skivens [CO stands for 'Commissioners Office', officers deployed 'extra' to divisions]. He last came to nottingham on 1st April

Forward Intelligence Team of the Metropolitan Police. Derived from earlier operations and CO11, the Public Order Operational Command Unit of the MET. Obviously they are Evidence Gatherers also, but they are frequently deployed at events of a 'political nature' and where crime is not a main issue. They are to gather evidence of crime of course, but the sub-text of their involvement at many events is that of intimidation to those attending events. Further, by their operations, to attempt to dissuade people from attending events, thus to minimise their effectiveness.
For the giggle, you might like to check out a video at:

2007 Nottingham Protest at Heckler & Koch weapons manufacturers HQ

Nottingham against Militarism and the Arms Trade

Heckler & Koch - Products

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK

Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
A couple of protestors
07.05.2008 11:32
Anon. E. Mouse
My metrics report.
07.05.2008 11:38
60-70 people from all backgrounds were behind the banners... but about 40 cops stood in front and just outside the gate, not daring to enter the property. So in total I could say over 100 people attended. Plus horses and more waiting round the corner "in case of a riot".
From their taste in music, and the pressure from the church via the commanding officer, I can confirm that the demonstrators were quite anarchist, apart from the old lady who commented that she'd held a rifle once "when I was a child". Guns have a power about them, and one thing I've learned about power is when you topple it, the power vacuum will always be filled.
Sen B
Is Love
07.05.2008 11:40
Who are the ones who block our rights
07.05.2008 16:41
yes people do have the rights to express themselves, but theres others who have to protect what they have expressed and kept consistant. Get a job all off you, even if your 50, or in a wheel chair theres still a job just for you, and youll get paid for wat u have in skills and ability and maybe sread your word further. no need to stand on street corners promoting how bad it is to have a gun shop in the middle of nottingham,, why not try an close the gun shop in radford on hartly road, thatll stop alot of damage created on the streets. one less distributer. 50 60 people lol,, your havin a laugh. i see only about 30 and most have hidden there faces, is it shame or was it to do with pride. times are changing, an people arent gonna listen to you unless u have the right tools to do it,or at least show your face. so get a job and save up instead of recieving state benifits recooped from thhe all different trades within the UK including the profits from the arms trade. Let them do there job, while u look for one.
Your wasting their time and their money. wen it could go to stopping local people on the streets of nottingham with knifes guns and drugs creatin havoc for the residents of nottingham,, i dont see u all goin out an confrunting the youths or yobs that are makin nottinghams life a misery. go do sumthing contructive, help nottingham to feel safe in the changing world we live in. go out an be anti vigilant and one day ull will need their support instead of pushing them away. plenty more fish in the sea to catch, leave it to greanpeace, and also let them be, to observe your actions on how disruptive u all are.
@ Observer
07.05.2008 18:21
"Your wasting their time and their money. wen it could go to stopping local people on the streets of nottingham with knifes guns and drugs creatin havoc for the residents of nottingham"
Wait, your complaining about people demonstrating against an arms manufacturer because it detracts away resources from getting rid of guns? Did you specifically set out to create the least convincing argument in history?
"why not try an close the gun shop in radford on hartly road, thatll stop alot of damage created on the streets."
On a similar note, why waste time arresting a guy who imports a few thousand tons of heroin each year when you could spend the time arresting 100s of instantly replaceable street level dealers instead? If that gun shop was the source of the weapons you say cause so much damage in Nottingham, the police would have closed it down themselves as it would make their life easier.
"i dont see u all goin out an confrunting the youths or yobs that are makin nottinghams life a misery... ...go out an be anti vigilant and one day ull will need their support instead of pushing them away"
I take it you mean "go out and be a vigilante". So here you're saying that, instead of waisting police time by protesting, they should go out and commit a crime and generate more work for the police. I hate to break it to you, but if you ring up the police saying "Hi, I was just dealing out some illegal vigilante justice and I could do with a bit of backup," they're not going to be too impressed.
"Get a job all off you, even if your 50, or in a wheel chair theres still a job just for you, and youll get paid for wat u have in skills and ability and maybe sread your word further."
Are you honestly trying to suggest that more people will hear your message if you shut up and go away than if you stand in the middle of the street with a big banner shouting your message?
You're also labouring under the common misconception that the only people who would ever feel strongly enough to protest anything must be unemployed. There is absolutely no logical justification for this. It also contradicts this statement:
"Why dont you get a job and see how it feels on the side of getting told wat to do without choice,"
Well which is it? Will I be rewarded for my skills and ability, or will I get "told what to without choice".
One last gem;
"leave that to the people who have a say in the matter, like the police,"
This is a democracy. Suck it down, bitch!
Observer is made of fail.
MonkeyBot 5000
07.05.2008 18:49
I don't like that. It is not what I stand for. If his point is wrong don't make fun of him. I also find the use of "Suck it down bitch" offensive.
Am i the only one????
07.05.2008 19:13
"Not In My City" (but it's OK to sell guns to other cities, is it?)
07.05.2008 19:36
So in 2004 after the murder of Danielle Beccan, when then Mayor of Nottingham John Hartshorne addressed 5000 people in Market Square saying (and this is direct from the city council's own website):
"We will not allow gun culture to gain a greater foothold in our society. Guns have no place at all in our community – not in Nottingham, not in my city, nor any other city in Britain."
What did he actually mean?
Evidently while claiming to crack down on guns in our city, Nottinghamshire Police seem to think it's completely fine to put guns onto the streets of other cities, and to protect the gun sellers as long as they're big enough to claim "legitimacy".
What bollocks! Either "Not in My City" means we don't want guns in Nottingham, period - or means nothing.
That Nottinghamshire police choose to waste resources (paid for by our taxes - and yes, I have a job and pay taxes, thanks very much "Observer" with your totally incorrect stereotypical assumptions) on protecting arms dealers in our city says it all. I don't pay my taxes so that unscrupulous arms dealers operating right on my doorstep can have police protection - that is not of any benefit to the public whatsoever.
The anti-gun poster campaigns (again paid for by us) are nothing but empty words, because it's evidently totally OK to deal arms in Nottingham as long as you pay off the right people. In fact, you'll even get huge amounts of police protection thrown into the bargain.
Anyone with half a conscience or half an ounce of sense should be raging mad that this is happening right in the middle of our city.
Meanwhile the council wastes yet more of our money telling us how "Proud Of Nottingham" we all are. Well, I am not proud - I am absolutely incensed that these death merchants are operating here, and operating with the blessing of the two-faced authorities.
We must shut them down, and make no mistake - WE WILL!
Words Mean Nothing Without Action
A small video
07.05.2008 20:38
Anon E. Mouse
@ Allseeingeye
08.05.2008 10:37
Actually, I quote him in full because I can't be bothered to re-type his entire diatribe when I can copy+paste it in a few seconds. Yes I may be poking fun at him, but I don't see what's necessarily wrong with that - was he not also mocking the actions of those on this demonstration?
"I don't like that. It is not what I stand for. If his point is wrong don't make fun of him. "
I'm not sure I see the relevance of whether or not it is something for which you stand. Personally, when I hear someone spewing incoherent crap like this, I think it's entirely reasonable to point out the obvious logical fallacies and laugh at them. Humiliation and humour used as a deterrent to voicing idiocy - if you're going to tell the rest of world how to live, then you'd damn well better think your ideas through properly.
"I also find the use of "Suck it down bitch" offensive."
Well, that was supposed to be offensive. Just as I was offended by the suggestion that people should just be quiet and do as they are told when it comes to the issue of having an arms manufacturer in their city. Besides, in essence, that was the same message that Observer was attempting to convey, but I simply condensed it to four words. I also enjoy the inherent irony.
"Am i the only one???? "
I doubt it. If it's any consolation, it was collateral damage - in a war of words, I tend to use artillery.
MonkeyBot 5000
Nice One
08.05.2008 12:40
Arms bring shame to Lenton
11.05.2008 12:19
Robert Howard