Amber Valley Borough Council has recently received an application from Mr Alan Warner to hold the BNP's Red, White and Blue Festival on land at Denby, Derbyshire from the 15th to the 17th August 2008. Responsible authorities and any other interested parties now have a minimum of 28 days from today to submit any representations to the Council.
If no representations are received the application will automatically be granted. If we do receive representations we will hold a hearing within 20 working days, giving those submitting representations the opportunity to raise any issues of concern.
Representations should be sent to the Licensing Section, Amber Valley Borough Council, Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3XE.
For further information contact Lisa Garnham, PR and Communications Manager at Amber Valley Borough Council, on 01773 841655. Notes for editors:
Responsible authorities are Amber Valley Borough Council Licensing Section, Derbyshire Constabulary, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service, Social Services Child Protection Office, Trading Standards Service, Amber Valley Borough Council Environmental Services Department, Amber Valley Borough Council Borough Development Department and Amber Valley Borough Council Environmental Health Department.
Stop the BNP's Red White and Blue Festival
03.04.2008 16:15