The BNP is a far right nationalist party, and many of its senior members have been involved in racist violence. Its politics are divisive and designed to stir up hysteria around immigration.
The RWB festival is intended to draw new recruits into the party and consolidate these disgraceful politics. As such, those who oppose the BNP have begun a campaign to stop this year's event from taking place.
In 2007, Amber Valley Council granted the organisers entertainment licenses in spite of widespread local protest. Anti-fascists did not mobilise in time to help stop the festival. We are determined that that will not happen this year.
The 'Stop the Red, White and Blue' campaign (1) will
* draw together the thousands of people across the region who oppose the BNP into protest against the festival
* demand that local councils block permission for the event in recognition of this feeling
* calls on trade unions to, as far as possible, refuse to do any work that might facilitate the BNP event
If the event does go ahead we will call on local people, along with anti-fascists throughout the country, to join us in mass action against the festival.
(1) The Stop the Red, White and Blue campaign is a politically independent network of anti-fascists, dedicated to ideological opposition to, and direct action against the BNP's Red, White and Blue festival.
Will Fash realise theres 1race,planet threat is Mad Technology
27.02.2008 17:42
RWB needs to be banned& or billed for policing like Big Green festivals. Big Green is bankrupt due to yearly massive policing costs they were forced to take. Welsh Green Festi was banned, due to "health &safety",whilst establishment allow homicidal maniacs to organise more bloodbaths. Ban PC apartheid fascist RWB, BNP members have been found increasingly with bomb equipment in Yorkshire & Hull since London Nailbomber etc. They are linked to fascist radioactive killers, now allied with "communist" party under banner of "Eurasian" movement, a crazy kind of new Molotov-Ribbentrop deal.
Are they helping orchestrate a strategy of tension? like Griffins mates from Italy with Bologna bombing etc that killed hundreds & initially blamed on "reds".
If its allowed then people will come in numbers to have to deal with these twisted wastes of time & space.
At same we need to engage more in local politics with Libertarian Municipalism & green syndicalism otherwise vaccums are left.
Neo Makhnovista
The official route
27.02.2008 18:23
They are:
* the prevention of crime and disorder
* public safety
* the prevention of public nuisance
* the protection of children from harm
They can also reject complaints if the complainant lives to far from the site on the basis that they won't be affected.
Lastly, any trouble caused by direct action at the festival could be used as evidence that next years festival will cause breach of the peace etc and so breach the licensing objectives.
fight on basic issues
27.02.2008 20:30
27.02.2008 23:07
there is a distinction in this life between those who act and those who do not. i am in solidarity with my brothers and sisters if they take action on any of our common issues.
if you see someone taking action on a particular issue i suggest that is your cue to take action on the issues you best understand, rather than to snipe from the sidelines. this way we can all keep an eye on each others back.
solidarity. an injury to one is an injury to all.
We'll get them
28.02.2008 19:56
10.06.2008 09:42
I read about your campaign on the Times web site. First lt me say that I am not a BNP supporter... however I have two objections to what you are doing that I hope you will consider.
1) The BNP are a legal organisation who will be running (presumably) a legal event. Sure, you can protest about it, but what gives you the right to disprupt it?
2) The BNP get support because main stream political parties do not listen to the concerns of ordinary people. Maybe you should be putting your efforts there.
Andrew Brown
Stay Positive
20.06.2008 00:45
Why not organise a multi-cultural festival instead on same day? Myself & many friends (all artists musicians etc.) would be happy to help. A positive alternative will reach a bigger and more varied audience and also, will detract from the publicity which the BNP crave so much.
Hatred & anger is not the way forward, neither is banning free-speech - we each must stand-up for what we know and believe, rather than highlight idiotic stuff like the BNP.
Multiculturalism is THE global reality - it's time to get WITH