- Fossil Fool's Day will take to task the most irresponsible of our behaviour of continuing to burn finite resources and cause climate change: “from coal-mining clowns to carbon-offsetting contortionists, we are going to turn the tables and show them who the real fools are” - April 1st
- Actions against capitalism's profit-driven greenwashing and risky gambles on technology are called for, because they are false solutions to Climate Change – May 1st
- A day of action on Food & Climate Change will promote locally and sustainably produced organic food, because diet has a great impact on environment. Plant-based (pure vegetarian diets) reduce our personal footprints by about 1.5 tonnes CO2 per year - June 3rd
If you can and would like to, please contribute to the running of this gathering. This means giving your time for tasks such as: cleaning meeting areas and facilities, help cooking and catering, and volunteering behind a bar. Contact: 0845 458 9595.
Saturday March 1st (11am-6pm)
Sunday March 2nd (10am-6pm)
The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St., Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX
Vegan Food available, Wheelchair accessible, accommodation can be provided.

good grief
24.02.2008 08:34
Come on, lets have a bit more seriousness about what we are doing and show that our politics are maturing.
make stupid slogans history
Dear 'Climate Camp representative'
24.02.2008 11:08
For example, I personally don't see gaining political ground as an objective - but that's fine if you do. People are free to write what the fuck they like on a banner and climb up somewhere high and show it to others. They represent their views. Surely the point of using that photo here is to demonstrate that anyone can take any form of action they want to, in the overall goal of reducing the climate chaos to come. And it will come, which will make your moaning about a slogan seem very petty.
Finally, your remark about how will activists get to international conferences or whatever it was, makes me laugh. You seem to have views that are completely rooted within the existing political framework. Can't you imagine a day may come when people see no reason to travel abroad for such trifling things? Can't you imagine a world where feeder countries and consumer countries become self-sustaining countries instead (that disgusting situation we have now enrages me), with no need for flying?
Make Jet & combustion+ all dodgy engines history& undemocratic"consensus"history
26.02.2008 15:38
Combustion engine & planes as they are shite.
Activists from climate camp including the most vociferous primitivists I know travel by jet for social as well activist reasons,rarely though we do it due to work time constrictions.
Encourage the rail-tunnel route under the Bering strait& more efficient rail, plus efficient tow boat & tow glider-airship technology.
As far as planes instead of investing in new war jets & unmanned aerial vehicles as military are doing, check Rolls Royce BAE Taranis billion dollar programme, we need to get them to invest in more efficient glider technology+gyroscopic,safe fuel cell aerial vehicles via protest & workers we have in these sectors.
Boeing has a manned lithium & fuel cell plane that goes 70mph, but it seems projects like this dont get dosh compared to military or fossil fool engines.
Any genuine primitivists consider what 6 billion people burning wood to stay warm would do, or are you secretly hoping for a disaster like eugenics situation?
undemocratic"consensus"history can be made at conferences & gatherings, voting systems for consensus using the internet need to be used more by EF-Climate campers.It seems to work well in unions like IWW
More good publicity & more controls on minority of abusive people who let their dogs shit everywhere & effort from everyone to make sites safer+ clean. Over years permaculture toilets have got better & alco rub is good thing on long camps often surrounded by angry coppers, solar showers have been lacking at some climate camp Ive been at.
Mere concerned citizen
26.02.2008 15:58
Combustion engine & planes as they are shite.
Activists from climate camp including the most vociferous primitivists I know travel by jet for social as well activist reasons,rarely though we do it due to work time constrictions.
Encourage the rail-tunnel route under the Bering strait& more efficient rail, plus efficient tow boat & tow glider-airship technology.
As far as planes instead of investing in new war jets & unmanned aerial vehicles as military are doing, check Rolls Royce BAE Taranis billion dollar programme, we need to get them to invest in more efficient glider technology+gyroscopic,safe fuel cell aerial vehicles via protest & workers we have in these sectors.
Boeing has a manned lithium & fuel cell plane that goes 70mph, but it seems projects like this dont get dosh compared to military or fossil fool engines.
Any genuine primitivists consider what 6 billion people burning wood to stay warm would do, or are you secretly hoping for a disaster like eugenics situation?
undemocratic"consensus"history can be made at conferences & gatherings, voting systems for consensus using the internet need to be used more by EF-Climate campers.It seems to work well in unions like IWW
More good publicity & more controls on minority of abusive people who let their dogs shit everywhere & effort from everyone to make sites safer+ clean. Over years permaculture toilets have got better & alco rub is good thing on long camps often surrounded by angry coppers, solar showers have been lacking at some climate camp Ive been at.