"The parish and town councils have no power what so ever. The borough council takes no notice of their comments I can assure you of that. I think they represent the council's officers rather than the people that elected them.
"I've got a daughter to look after and a small holding with animals that take up a lot of my time. I can't be out until 10pm at night not getting anywhere."
The resignation is of particular interest to local anti-fascists because land owned by Warner was used last year for the BNP's annual Red White and Blue festival, an event which looks set to be repeated in the same place this year.
The festival attracts BNP members from across the country and generated massive local opposition, with more than seventy submissions to the Amber Valley Council licensing panel urging them to refuse a public entertainment licence for the event.
This year the event has been targeted by Nottinghamshire Stop the BNP who have stated their intention to prevent it taking place. In January they organised a regional conference to initiate this campaign which attracted more than 100 participants.
Warner has insisted that his decision to step down has nothing to do with a recent split in the party which was precipitated by the expulsion of several leading members including Broxtowe Borough Councillor Sadie Graham.
It had previously appeared that Warner had sided with Graham in this split and was witholding his land until she and others were reinstated. Indeed, he went so far as to state that "if it wasn't for the hard work of Sadie then I would never have been elected."
He is now rather more equivocal in his support, noting, "I don't know if Sadie Graham will get anywhere. You don't always agree with everything that's going off but you always back the party. I support the BNP party. The Red White and Blue festival will be back on this land again later this year."
Unfortunately, it doesn't look likely that Warner's resignation will necessarily remove the BNP's presence from the councils on which he sat. Warner asserted, "Someone else from the party will stand in my place straight away. I'm assuming the party will put someone forward for the position."
Heanor and Loscoe Town Council have confirmed that the seat will be advertised with by-election being held in the event that more than one candidate comes forward. If no interest is shown then the position will not be left vacant. Instead, existing councillors can co-opt somebody onto the council themselves.
Ripley & Heanor News:

public order situ?
11.02.2008 06:10
how can it be allowed to go on.
Antifascists will try to stop this & splits in area between BNP & ex BNP Sadie Graham who apparently has "blood &honour"C18 groups at her meetings means the public order situ wont just come from antinazis.
"BNP are a party of hate mongers who aim for a dictatorship under Griffin," this is what even a large amount of ex members are saying in Voices for Change, they shouldnt be allowed to have a festival tolerated anywhere. What do role do this minority of haters have in a truelly progressive society?
Hate& terror supporter Abu Hamza wouldn't be allowed a festival why should BNP?
11.02.2008 18:11
They support terror of ethnic communities & have links to fascist regimes like Gadaffi's in Libya with Griffin visting for funds, nazi Soho bomber David Copeland was in BNP a list of recent BNP supporters have recently been discovered with bomb making material.
The BNP represent a racist minority in our progressive society. There is one race the human race, only difference is colour & ethnicitiy,white or black people are not different species this is fascist political correctness.
What race is someone who is "mixed"which we all are? the answer is human, there are some inbred people
BNP allow some minorities in temporarily in the same way the nazis allowed in some twisted ethnic minorities who wanted to follow their agenda like right wing cossack SS battalions or right wing Moorish troops Franco relied on. Some high ranking nazi officers had jewish blood, but were useful & allowed after showing "loyalty".
The Bologna train bombing & other bombings& assasinations in Italy were blamed on left wing groups as part of the strategy of Tension, it was proven the Bologna massacre of 85 was civilians was organised by P2 lodge master Lucia Gelli's neo-fascist terrorist organization Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari& the rogue Italian military intelligence agency (SISMI).
Stop the RWB!
11.02.2008 23:04
last week it was the first week in August. Put that date in your diaries now, and let's stop the bastards!