Notts Indymedia and others have launched a new radio show called 'Riseup! Radio'. The community based podcast includes reports covering issues often overlooked by other local media, as well as music from local artists and bands, and chat about stuff that matters. Each month a new podcast will be downloadable through the riseup! Radio website, or by subscribing to our feed. Look out for extra features and new shows in the near future, but for now.. Download, listen, enjoy, distribute and comment on February's show !
Listen: #1 The February Show | #2 The March Show
Links: Riseup! Radio Website | RSS feed | Notts Indymedia Audio Archive
We are currently working on the monthly show, which will be downloadable from the beginning of each month. Please get in touch if you'd like to help out, if there are events you'd like to cover, or stories you think need to be featured.
The show boasts: “This month we have audio features on local campaigns against the BNP, how Jobseekers are being subjected to lie-detector software, and an interview from the Sumac Skillshare. We've also got music from Satnam’s Tash, exclusive tracks from infectious reggae outfit Moonbuggy's forthcoming album, and an exciting new music sharing project called CCMixter.”
riseup radio
18.02.2008 23:29
ey ey
01.03.2008 13:13
I am really looking forwrd to hearing it
problem is , so far I have received an intro of
a couple of minutes and a M3U file 88 bytes big that I can't
read. CAn we have MP3 please
Best of luck
03.03.2008 19:18
When you go to our website, each show has their own posting. On each of these postings you can choose to either:
1. Use the in-browser flashplayer (thats the grey thing which will play instantly).
2. Open the 'stream link', which you can open in a media player (a free and open source one is VLC:
3. Download the show in MP3 or Ogg Vorbis format.
If you still can't listen or have any other problem, get in touch with us (details on the website).
Riseup! Radio Crew