I use to work for the city library service and know that soon that staff are expected to be wearing uniforms very soon. I think this is disgusting. Staff are having a difficult time in expressing their opinions about the uniform. As far as I am concerned this is a complete waste of public money. Staff have not been consulted and their opinions have been ignored. I feel that many users of the library will feel intimidated being faced with staff wearing uniforms. Libraries are not like other city council facilities, we deal with many types of people and are seen -I hope-as a non threatening neutral space. I remember one customer asking if I was going to search him as he left the library-that was what he was used to in his own country. Wearing a uniform will just make the vulnerable feel worse.
I think many of the great long term staff in the library service will leave the service as they will not be able to support wearing a uniform.
If you find time, it would be great if people write to the Evening Post etc and let others know about this issue.
Staff are intimidated, so please help
11.02.2008 12:21
And please encourage other people to write to the media and councillors too.
Staff have not been consulted on this.
When people joined the library service, they had no idea that this would happen.
The initial cost, out of public money, will be around £25,000. Then there will be ongoing costs.
Money spent on uniforms will mean less money spent on books and buildings.
Demoralised staff will not give the best service.
It is impossible to see how library users could benefit from this measure.
Only library assistants will be expected to wear uniforms - management and "professional" staff can be treated as adults who can choose their own clothes.
It is obvious who is staff in a library - they wear badges and are doing the work.
Libraries have worked perfectly well without uniforms up to now.
Bosses are only bullying workers because they think they can.
Although library workers are not allowed to tell anyone this is happening, it is in the public domain: See
Library service plan 2007/8 and search for "uniform".
You can give feedback from this page:
It won't take long and will be a big help to library workers. Management needs to be told that the public doesn't want uniformed workers.
Will there be marching and saluting next?
There was a good article in the Evening Post (!) by Jeremy Lewis - go to the Post website and search for "library".
Library Uniform
here's a petition
13.02.2008 13:10
Concerned member of the public