Climate Change - Potential & Limits of Renewables - Elliott(33min 15Mb)
- mp3 15M
Climate Change - Potential & Limits of Renewables - Baddley(32min 15Mb)
- mp3 14M
This lecture took place on Wednesday 27th September 2007, 7.30pm, at the Sustainable Research Building, School of the Build Environment, University of Nottingham. Additionally, a guided tour of the installations there, took place from 6.30pm.
Renewable energy sources like wind, solar voltaics and solar thermal, micro-hydro, wave and tidal energy, as well as biomass are all alternatives to fossil fuels not involving new greenhouse gas emissions. This meeting also looked at how much these technologies can contribute to solving the climate emergency but also what their limits are - for example the energy and financial costs of their introduction measured against their yield. Other problems of renewables - like intermitancy of wind and solar, as well as effects on local environments were also covered.
Professor David Elliott will cover the national picture while Jerome Baddley of the Nottingham Energy Partnership will present a view of the potential in Nottingham.

I had previously photographed the installations at this location. Please check out at:
Wind Turbines: Practical uses in Nottingham Area

With a feature [with lots of links on the subject] at:

Earlier lecture:
Climate Change, Oil & Gas Depletion Lecture. [Understanding Climate Emergency]

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK

Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"