It is unfortunate that MP's Paddy Tipping and Alan Meale have both opposed this wind farm proposal because of a) visual effect and b) shadow flicker. The site is sandwiched in between 2 main roads and a business park. Shadow flicker could be a possible problem for approximately 20 minutes per year when the sun is particularly low in the sky, even then there is likely to be a large amount of cloud coverage. NPower have agreed to turn the turbines off if this problem arises for this short period of time. Problem solved.
Get there by public transport and show support for this wind farm:
(Bus No 100 goes to Southwell and then change onto No 29 for Kelham.):

planning and other links about it all
19.09.2007 11:50
Lindhurst Wind Farm - planning Application at Newark & Sherwood District Council
Lindhurst Wind Farm - natwindpower pdf
Lindhurst Wind Farm - Newark & Sherwood District Council
Lindhurst Wind Farm - npower renewables
and ...... our own feature, with many links to show local nottingham progress
Nottingham DIY V3 Wind Turbine Workshop [Feature]