East Midlands Airport Action - hi bandwidth 640x480 3.27mins
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East Midlands Airport Action - lo bandwidth 320x240 3.27mins
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Two men from climate action group, Plane Stupid, have caused disruption by supergluing themselves to the passenger entrances to the airport. Supporters are there handing out leaflets to airport customers encouraging them not to fly next time, and a banner carried by helium-filled balloons was also released in the departure lounge bearing the slogan ‘Let’s fry’.
Last week another activist from Plane Stupid, Penny Eastwood, a mother of two from Yorkshire, glued herself both to the doors of Lastminute.com HQ in London in protest at the ever growing greenhouse gas emissions from aviation.
Climate activist 'super-glued to door' of lastminute.com

Today's day of action was called to illustrate that short-haul flights are unnecessary and unsustainable and that short haul journeys can easily be taken by train or bus which are both over ten times less polluting. Demonstrations and protests have been happening throughout the day at airports across the UK and Europe, including Heathrow, Gatwick, Bristol, Southampton, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and others.
Aviation is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse-gas emissions worldwide. In the UK, emissions from aviation more than doubled in ten years. In May the government quoted the figure of 13% as aviation’s contribution to UK climate impacts. If you include flights to and from the UK by UK citizens (the government excludes the former), the sector now contributes about 18.5% of the climate-changing emissions for which this country is responsible.
Nottingham protestor, Alex Harvey, said, "Binge-flying is choking the planet. Airport expansion would lock us into increased greenhouse gas emissions and undo all our other efforts to reduce emissions. It's just not an option. Yet that's exactly what is planned for airports like East Midlands which only serve destinations easily reachable by more sustainable public transport alternatives.'
Last year twenty-five activists from Plane Stupid blockaded a taxi-runway at the same airport.
- ENDS -
Nottingham Plane Stupid


Other local East Midlands climate-concerned activities included an action at the Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station.

A couple of months ago 'Spring into Action', a week of workshops, events, music and action on climate change happening at different venues, happened across Nottingham.
Climate change is real and its happening now. Governments and corporations dream of continued economic growth - economic growth can't solve this crisis, but we can. A massive and concerted effort is needed on the scale of 'Dig for Victory' or the 'Home Front': A war on climate change.
We can't continue our current way of life - the oil on which it all depends is running out too fast. A shift to a locally based economy will have to happen, with food and energy being produced by the people that use it. The only question is when? We could start now, or we could wait for a future of war, famine, hurricanes, droughts and floods. We need to gain the courage and change fast enough to cultivate a new world, before it's too late.
'Spring into Action' is part of an emerging grassroots movement against climate change. Born out of the Camp for Climate Action (www.climatecamp.org.uk), 'Spring into Action'unites people across the east of England into making changes in our own lives, creating small scale solutions in our communities and resisting those who still seek their own short term gain over a safe future for us all.
See also:

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK


Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
17.06.2007 09:47
Leaflet and Airport Press Release
17.06.2007 11:00
Next time, Don't Fly 1
Next time, Don't Fly 2
East Midland Airport : Press release
Mine got a bit damp though, stood there in the rain.
Compare and contrast:
The leaflet, handed out to passengers, passers-by, airport staff, policemen etc, contained the case for action. It was well put together with facts, figures and references on why people were concerned about the factors affecting climate change. Although concise, I thought it got across the practical and moral case.
I asked the East Midland Airport communications person for a press release about half way through yesterdays events. I was told one would be prepared. About an hour later, she gave me these three lines of text!
As you see,
1. they respect the right of peaceful protest.
2. they cooperate with the police to remove such protest.
3. absolutely no mention of the issues folks were there to draw attention to.
So, there you have it.
action report
17.06.2007 15:08
My latest hip-hop offering
Musicians please get writing those protest songs. I have started a "Make CDs not CO2" facebook group but don't feel very confident with MySpace so someone else can do that. My new hip-hop offering is on my website,
Thanks to the airport for having us. It's so handy! I hope to visit again with an offset project, involving Plane Stupid branded condoms. P.S. That lady who commutes to spain was so cool!
Make CDs NOT CO2 - my new project to make this sort of action more entertaining.
17.06.2007 15:18
Make CDs not CO2
One less sleepless night
One less binge flight
One less hangover
One less car on the road.
One less heart explodes.
One less shopping trip
One less rubbish tip
One less Made in China
One less abandoned farmer
One less 4x4
One less endless war.
One less megawatt-hour
One less tonne of smoke
One less shiny apple
One less rotting apple
One less burger chain
One less smelly cow
We've got to learn
What nature can manage.
It's not to late
To save the planet!
We've got twenty years, my dears,
To acclimatise, if we're wise,
We've got to change our lives,
Not the climate.
because I can't string a sentence together verbally here are some slogans:
Yes to airport shrinkage!
Read the science first
Short haul:
Acid precipitation? Not just a hallucination!
Let the train take the strain
Long haul:
End this Airmiles Orgy!!!
Save the air
Air, not Air Freight
don't fly
stupid plane stupid
18.06.2007 09:07
If we are going to stop climate change it won't happen with actions like these, it will be about building a social movement which targets the basis for mass and uncontrollable carbon emissions produced by inefficient and unnecessary over production due to the capitalist market economy. We should also target the amount of short haul business flights which make up a large percentage of short haul flights in Europe.
The answer is not Not to fly, it is not to go on holiday locally, it is to support, encourage, expand the development of a social movement which challenges the essence of this death march to ecological collapse.
The people that FLY are the RICH! The POOR will FRY!
18.06.2007 10:20
The reality is that it is the rich that fly and are flying more in 2007 whilst the poor are flying less than they were in 2000. The average household income for a user of the budget airport Stanstead is £47,000. The rich are buying second homes in place where locals can't afford to buy first ones and then flying over there 6 times a year. Only 7% of all flights are taken by those earning under £15,000 a year. This number is decreasing.
The reason that aviation is the less expensive option is that the aviation industry pays no tax on fuel compared with at least 60% or 70% tax on land based fuels. Furthermore the aviation industry pays no VAT on aircraft and is allowed to sell duty free to subsidise its costs. Restricting flying is a socially progressive policy that targets the overconsumption of the rich which is leading us to ecological disaster.
About the hands
18.06.2007 15:36
Glew Crew
the point
21.06.2007 10:07
I love going to europe, when I was working in job that I hated, it was my escape, had some great times there, but there was no way I could afford this:
But I could afford to fly for £40
I am all up for subsidised enviromentally freindlier transport.
also, why is air travel such a big target for climate activists?