I went on to there, from the Sounds of the Downs event, at the University of Nottingham
Climate Change with Oil and Gas Depletion - Paul Mobbs (26min 12.0MB)
- mp3 12M
Climate Change with Oil and Gas Depletion - Brian Davey(25min 11.7MB)
- mp3 12M
This lecture took place on Wednesday 6th June 2007, 7.30pm, at The Mechanics Institute, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham. I went on to there, from the Sounds of the Downs event, at the University of Nottingham
The speakers were:
Paul Mobbs: Independent environmental consultant and author of ‘Energy Beyond Oil’ (Troubador Publishing Company 2005). Visit www.fraw.org.uk/ebo.
Brian Davey: Living within Limits Consultancy (LwL), ecological consultant and member of Feasta (Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability).
Chair - Professor Seamus Garvey: Director of Research at the University of Nottingham School of Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. (Professor Garvey has a particular interest in renewables.)
The event was organised by Health in Your Environment with the support of Climate Action Network Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City Council and Greater Nottingham Health and Environment Partnership.
In 2007 the UK becasme a net importer of oil and gas. Oil, which provides a third of our energy, will become scarce and therefore very expensive within the next fifteen to twenty years. Gas will follow, and eventually coal will also go into depletion. Paul Mobbs argued that - whether because of the dwindling supply of fossil fuels or because of climate change - individuals and organisations should be preparing now for a significant contraction in the economy. Brian Davey outlined the local implications in this scenario of the future.

Paul Mobbs' Peak Energy "Wakey Wakey" tour site has a lot of information related to the content of his talk. The information section on that page gives a short introduction to the issues, and you can download handouts on a range of topics.

Spring into Action

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK


Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Transition Towns
10.06.2007 10:58
This is further info on what people are doing in their own locality.
Transition Towns WIKI
Transition Culture
Do we need to make better efforts here in Nottingham :-)
Think Globally, Act Locally. ....... Obviously