This month raising money for the African Prisons Project who build libraries and hospitals and the like. Also for some local anti-prisons campaigning people...
it is 500p
maybe curry before 10?!!
Main Room:
12.30-close = rogue fingers (pumping teckno)
11.45-12.30 = 10 o clock horses (ska,folk,punk)
11-11.30 = soprano (graceful guitars and voices)
10.15-10.45 = luminare (prog) or chuchi and the growlers (punk)
DJ Room:
1-2 = muzza (oldskool/dnb)
12-1 = bracky fudge (dubstep)
10.30-12 = mood gremlin (minimal/techhouse)
9-10.30 = ross riddim (reggae/dub/dancehall
Lots of wonderful acoustic people, poets, jazz jammers, classical pianists and more...'
Remember to get a copy of notes!
Previous article
27.04.2007 06:42