The Nottingham group will join a peaceful blockade at the Faslane Naval Base in Scotland at the end of this month. The group will aim to prevent access and disrupt the base over a two day period, 31 March to 1 April.
The blockade is part of a larger action Faslane 365 - a year long international protest against the deployment and replacement of Trident.
A number of fund raising events have helped finance the event and demonstrators will receive training and legal advice in case of arrest at the site’s gates. Elizabeth Baines, a final year student at the University of Nottingham, said: “It is appalling that the government is considering spending £75bn on renewing nuclear weapons; not only would this be a colossal ethical and financial blunder, it is also hypocritical for the UK to insist that countries such as Iran cannot develop nuclear weapons when the UK is renewing its own weapons system.”
It is very exciting to be part of such an enthusiastic protest movement. I just hope the government is listening.”
Nearly sixty demonstrating groups have already travelled to Faslane in the last six months in protest at the Trident nuclear weapons replacement proposals.
making britain unsafer for an extra dime
15.03.2007 02:47
Radio Nottingham had local MPs all supporting trident except simpson, cant wait for blockade it should be ace.
I got on & made the point that Trident actually makes us far more threatened, as whilst we are a base for USA controlled system we are 1st strike target for Russian missiles or any other nuclear nation.
Since nineties there have been at least 2 armageddons just stopped by good people, one when a russian computer thought a weather balloon was a strike & orders where given for full nuclear attack as Yeltsin was drunk, luckily a hero named Colonel Petrov refused the orders.
Another time which was uncovered because senate where having a tour at the time, NORAD went to defcon 1 when an operator accidently pressed the wrong button.
We cant make this shit up really the powers that be are proper bunch of crusty shithawks, maybe their spirit is with cockroaches. After the big one they would probably scuttle out of their special bunkers &love it
On the blockade there will be different levels, not everyone has to be on blockade where there maybe temporarily arrested, people are needed for legal support, communications, etc.
Faslane events
15.03.2007 22:54
Details at
The 'final' deadline to sign up for transport to Faslane with the Nottm Block is at the weekly meeting on Monday 19th at 7.30 at ASBO. Email
There is a training weekend in advance of the Nottm expedition, on Saturday 24th at Sumac and Sunday 25th at Asbo. Details at
The actual Nottingham Blockade of the Trident Missile base at Faslane, near Glasgow, is Sat March 31st / Sunday 1st April, travelling on the Friday. (
and Rebel Clowns too......
17.03.2007 11:33
pip pip
Major Pant-Sweat