The Nottingham Faslane 365 group is starting to get busy as our blockade date gets closer. The organising group is now meeting weekly as we move our focus from awareness raising & fundraising, to planning the practicalities of our blockade.
These are two key things for us to organise. To underpin this we need to get a closer idea of the numbers of people who intend to come to Faslane with us. We will be contacting everyone on our mailing list this week to see if people are definitely committed, still thinking about it or are no longer interested in coming to Faslane.
We will also be asking people if they are able help with driving during the blockade. Our plan is to take a combination of shared cars and hired/borrowed minibuses up to Faslane with us. Travelling in a number of smaller vehicles rather than in large coaches will give us more opportunity to tailor transport to different needs for the journey to/from Scotland and give us maximum flexibility for any actions we want to take while we are at Faslane.
We're going to have a display/stall at a couple of events in the next weeks:
- on Sunday 18th February Nottingham University Peace group is holding a one day conference/event and we'll be there to meet and chat to people about Faslane365. Article at

- We're also planning on having a stall in the City Centre on Saturday 3rd March; time and location TBC.
Do come and see us at these events and if you'd like to help out on either stall for an hour or two email us at

Direct Action?
Many people taking part in Faslane 365 have not been involved in Direct Action before. We will be offering Non-Violent Direct Action training to everyone who wants to take part in the Nottingham blockade. Although many people taking part will be willing to take action leading to possible arrest, you can still play a very valuable part in our blockade even if you are not willing to get arrested. Your presence at the gates is extremely valuable as a visible protest against Trident and, should you wish to, you can get involved in helping with legal support, welfare, catering, media liaison, transport etc...
Faslane 365 asks that all groups and individuals taking part respect the following set of non-violence guidelines: Our attitude will be one of sincerity and respect towards the people we encounter We will not engage in physical violence or verbal abuse toward any individual We will carry no weapons We will not bring or use alcohol or drugs other than for medical purposes We will clear the blockade to allow emergency vehicles in or out of the base and then resume the blockade afterwards.
Recently at Faslane
Last week a Health Professionals group assembled from all over the country, arrived at the base. Taking to the streets, doctors and nurses offered special health checks, taking blood-pressure measurements and handing prescriptions to people for the prevention of nuclear war; prescribing 'dialogue for disarmament - to be taken regularly'. In other recent actions, blockading-Buddhists set up a Faslane meditation-patch and Academics, Lawyers and Lecturers held a 6hour seminar in front of the North Gate of the base. This week, groups including Coventry and 'Pensioners for Peace' will be doing their bit. For more reports, photos and videos from blockades so far see

Next meeting
The next meeting of the organising group is Monday 12th February, 7.30pm at ASBO Community Space, 35 Burns Street, Arboretum, (Nottingham High School tram stop) or about 10 mins walk from City Centre. You are very welcome to join us.
We will be meeting weekly, every Monday, from now on.
All of our events and meetings are posted on the Veggies/Sumac centre events diary at

More about Non-Violent Direct Action training and other events in the next newsletter. To be sure to be kept informed subscribe to our local newsgroup at

About Faslane 365 and Nottingham Faslane 365
Faslane 365 is a one-year continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane from 1st October 2006 to 30th September 2007. It will provide an opportunity for a wide range of people to oppose the deployment and replacement of Trident. Nottingham will be playing its part in the Faslane blockade on Saturday March 31st & Sunday April 1st 2007. Nottingham Faslane 365 is a loose association of individuals committed to providing at least 100 people to peacefully blockade Faslane, and to support this pledge by co-ordinating all aspects of a Nottingham blockade, including transport, legal support, non-violent direct action training, fundraising, accommodation, catering... This is your chance to be involved in a unique action, which will have a direct impact on the business of building nuclear weapons.
Contact us:
You can contact us at

The main Faslane 365 website is at

Nottingham Blockade of Faslane Trident Base
Saturday March 31st - Sunday April 1st 2007!