The first session will start at 11 and explore the linkages between war, the environment and our oil addiction. Speakers will include James Howard from Powerswitch who are "dedicated to raising awareness & discussion of the impending & permanent decline of cheap oil & gas supply, the consequences of which will affect every corner of our lives" (
At 1.30 there will be a session with workshops covering a wide range of issues including the hardships faced by refugees, international workers' struggles, peak oil and more.
The day will close with Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, forced out of his job for speaking out against the brutality of the Karimov regime (
There will also be stalls promoting various local groups throughout, with catering provided by Veggies (
Come along and join in the discussion.
Peace Conference Poster
11.02.2007 21:34
Nottingham Student Peace Movement
Report from last years Peace Conference
15.02.2007 10:00
Activists gather for peace conference