This is the first critical mass of 2007. Lets start as we mean to go on and make it a big one!
We cycle round the city to celebrate the bicycle:
It's for anyone that rides a bike;
Its a celebration of getting round the city without polluting it;
Its about every journey being an adventure instead of just sitting on a boring bus or in a stressful car;
Its about cyclists riding together to demand more respect from other road users;
Its a way to meet other cyclistas;
At roughly the same time on Friday hundreds of cities around the world do the same thing...all get together for critical mass. its beautiful to know that as you ride with your mates through your own city that all around the world thousands of people are doing the same thing...
Rides in the UK this Friday include:
- Brighton - Gather 18:00 at the Level (BN2 3FX)
- Cambridge - Maybe gather 18:30 Cambridge Market Square
- Leeds (This month's callout) - Gather 17:30-18:00 Millenium Square
- London - Gather 18:30 Waterloo Bridge, by the National Film Theatre
- Manchester (videos of previous rides) - Gather 18:00 Central Library
- Nottingham (amended link) - Gather 17:30 Savoy Cinema on Derby Road in Lenton
- Oxford - Gather 17:45-18:00 Cornmarket end of Broad Street outside The Oxford Story
- Reading - Gather 17:30, Reading Town Hall
Please leave a comment if your ride has been left off (or is incorrect).
York Critical Mass
22.01.2007 10:34
York cyclista
York Critical Mass
22.01.2007 11:09
Happy cycling
Birmingham Critical Mass: Friday, February 2nd
22.01.2007 11:15
We meet up at Pigeon Park (St. Philip's Cathedral) at 5:30pm and set off at 6pm.
The rides are getting more popular and more creative. There's now a mobile soundsystem and for winter critical mass' riders bring along fairy lights to illuminate the ride.
Subscribe to the list below if you want to get more involved!
23.01.2007 17:42
Correced Nottm Link
23.01.2007 18:11
Now revised to
There used to be a 'Friday before the last Friday' planning and social gathering for Nottm Massers. Is it still happening? Is it worth reviving?
btw there is an email group for Nottm Critical Mass, but it hasn't had much 'traffic' (!). Why not join and/or chat at
Cambridge Critical Mass
25.01.2007 11:24
It would be great to try and get one going in Cambridge though, enough bikes here... I guess all it needs is promotion, 6.30 meetup in Market Square sounds like as good a place as any to meet.
Toot toot!
Oxford Critical Mass
26.01.2007 19:36
three of us !!
27.01.2007 02:00
got back from the nottingham meet on friday evening, supposed to be at 5.30pm Savoy Cinema on the Derby Road. We have had bigger gigs in the past. This time THREE of us turned up, nattered to each other for half and hour, then we left again. Perhaps we don't need to be doing this at all. It might be that others think another kind of action would be better to arrange. Personally, I think that the issues that Critical Mass are supposed to highlight, are worthy of support. This event has come and gone over the years here in Nottingham. I hope other might take a pace forward, and get this going again ..... but, then again, they might not!
meanwhile in london ......
27.01.2007 18:56
meanwhile in london ......
with a video of the event at:
Nottingham - New Details
12.02.2007 00:37
New Meeting Point from Friday 23rd February 2007
Details from
Friday 23rd February is Nottingham's next Critical Mass Bike Ride with a NEW Meeting Point in Market Square. This change is for everyone who rides a bike in Nottingham and wants to take part.
The ride lasts no more than a couple of hours (depending on the weather!) and usually ends in a conveniently placed pub or the Sumac Bar for a few drinks.
Most all, they are peaceful, safe and fun!