On Saturday Stop the War Coalition draped Nottingham's Armed Forces Recruitment Centre with coffin-shaped placards naming the members of the British Forces killed in Iraq.
On Saturday Stop the War Coalition draped Nottingham's Armed Forces Recruitment Centre with coffin-shaped placards naming the members of the British Forces killed in Iraq.
At that time 121 British servicement have lost their lives. [stop press: we now learn of a further incident, resulting in a further 4 deaths. It brings the total number of UK troops killed in Iraq to 125. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6141836.stm]
The Recruitment Centre, just by the Victoria Centre Clocktower, in the centre of Nottingham
People had prepared the placards, edged in black, mounted on a line, and naming each of the dead servicemen.
Obviously, these service deaths are in addition to many thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq.
People from the Stop the War coalition set up a stall and banner outside the Centre and gave out leaflets urging Blair to end the occupation, and urging prospective recruits to stay out of the forces.
Nottingham Stop the War
email: contact@nottmagainstwar.org.uk
Earlier Events:
Stop the War demo at Nottingham's Armed Forces Recruitment Centre [Jan 06]
sLIDE sHOW: oN THE lONDON mARCH 14 Feb 2003
'Direct links' to the coverage of these issues:
Main Page http://tash.dns2go.com/stopwar.htm
London Demo http://tash.dns2go.com/xtra/stopthewar_feb03/index.htm
Nottingham Demos http://tash.dns2go.com/xtra/stopwar_nttm/index.htm
Chetwynd Barracks http://tash.dns2go.com/xtra/chetwynd_barracks/index.htm
Menwith Hill 'Foil the Base' http://tash.dns2go.com/xtra/menwith_hill/index.htm
Nottingham Anti-war graffiti http://tash.dns2go.com/xtra/nottingham_graffiti/index.htm
Armed Service Office 'painted' http://tash.dns2go.com/xtra/stopwar_nttm/images/1904_035bw.jpg
Photoshop Gallery http://tash.dns2go.com/stopwar_photoshop.htm
'Streaming' Shows http://tash.dns2go.com/stopwar_show.htm
Web-Galleries [10sec change] http://tash.dns2go.com/slide_shows.htm
[long links, make sure you include all of 'em!]
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Email: tash@gn.apc.org
Web: http://tash.gn.apc.org
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
OS Grid Ref: SK 575414 - Lat/Lon: 52:58:03N, 1:08:38W
13.11.2006 12:04
I am not suggesting that it was taken by any of the people there, but I am interested in where it went.
Those Buckets
13.11.2006 14:04
The money collected in the buckets went to the Nottingham Stop the War Coalition.
We use the money for more campaigning: Putting on meetings; Printing leaflets; and making more placards.
We generally just about break even.
John Shemeld
(Local Coordinator for Nottingham Stop the War)
John Shemeld
e-mail: john_shemeld@yahoo.co.uk
Homepage: http://www.nottmagainstwar.org.uk
The money
14.11.2006 11:46
I realise that you chose this weekend because of the date, and to use the remembrance weekend to highlight your cause, but please remember what the weekend was really about. For one weekend we were trying to put politics aside, and to remember the troops - not argue whether we should be there, or whether the troops should come home, because that is decided by politictians, always has been, always will be. This weekend was about the soldiers - remembering the sacrifice they have made, not just now, not just in the world wars, but throughout the military's history. Since the end of the second world war there has only been one year in which the army have not lost someone in some conflict around the world.
Should we have been in those conflicts? We could argue that until the cows come home (and probably will), but for one weekend, one weekend only, could we put the politics and portests aside and remember the guys and girls who have given their lives, been injured, and those who are still at risk.
Without using it for publicity purposes.
Soldiers can desert, politicians can be overthrown
14.11.2006 14:25
"Desertion rate has doubled since start of war in Iraq"
The Sunday Times August 13, 2006
"AWOL in America: When Desertion is the Only Option"
Monday, February 21 2005
412 politicians voted for invasion, 100,000's of deaths, injuries, destruction, bombing, burnt out bodies, children picking up cluster bomblets ...
Iraq — Declaration of War — 18 Mar 2003 at 22:00 — Commons Division No. 118
"The Ayes won by 412 to 149 (majority 263) with 4 tellers, making a turnout of 565. The MPs understood that those voting Aye on this motion were giving their Parliamentary authority for the British army to participate in the US-led invasion of Iraq which began two days later."
deserter supporter