The meeting will be 10am-5pm at NCVO (15 minutes walk from St Pancras). A confirmed agenda and booking form will be sent out in September. The draft agenda and list of groups invited is below.
To bring together anti-incineration groups from all over England and Wales to get inspiration for their own campaigning, hear what some authorities are doing that are trying not to go down the mass burn incineration route and to discuss how the network of groups can best be supported. The summit will also allow the individuals from community campaign groups to pledge to resist the expansion of mass
burn incineration.
Welcome to the day and what we hope to get out of it.
Views from the coalface. Presentations by (potentially):
* Mayor or Deputy Mayor of London – how London is planning to deal with its waste without mass burn incineration
* Somerset County Council – a rural council’s perspective of waste issues
* Nuneaton FOE – raising incineration as a local election issue
* Norwich FOE – the importance of alliances to defeat a proposal
* Hampshire FOE group- what next if it gets built?
* Panel discussion and questions from the floor
Lunch and networking
Afternoon Session
How best can the network be supported and developed
Presentation on review of different activist models
Small group discussions on strengths and weaknesses of models
Feedback from small group discussions
Open discussion on way forward from here.
Declaration signing.
Potential groups invited:
Southern groups
someone from Cornwall - although lacking a good contact
Phil Scott - SAGE
B and Hove FOE
Lewes FOE
Phil Butler
SWARD - landfill group Gloucs
Colchester FOE
Norwich FOE
Peterborough FOE
Stephen E and colleagues
Ricky G - Aylesbury Vale FOE
Oxford FOE
Portsmouth FOE - experience of having an incinerator
Midland Groups
Nuneaton FOE
Derby FOE
Chesterfield FOE
Lincs groups - but lacking a good contact
Shrewsbury FOE
Telford FOE
Northern Groups
Leeds FOE
Manchester FOE
CHAIN - Ince Marsh and Cheshire
RAIN - Ince Marsh
York FOE
Hull FOE plus Barry
Val Barton
Cumbria groups - potential incinerator campaign here too.
Max Wallis
Are there other active groups in Wales - I know it is a bit quiet now
in the Wrexham area. Is TAC still going?
be more open minded about municpal waste incineration
21.10.2006 12:15
I am a renewable energy student.
After initial scepticism and adopting open mindedness as required as a student, I am now not so anti-incineration.
There is some impressive new technolgies for incineration that justify further education of the wider non specialist public.
I won't bore you with the engineering, but I ask that chartered engineers are invited to your public activities to provide an alternative opinion for the public to consider.
YRAIN in York says "no burner, no brainer"
26.10.2006 20:49
30.10.2006 00:30