Loughborough Shelthorpe Ward by-election
*****Important leafleting this Sunday 1st October *****
Assemble 11am outside McDonalds on Ling Road/Shelthorpe Road roundabout
Leicester Unite Against Fascism are calling a day of action to leaflet Loughborough Shelthorpe Ward against the fascist British National Party this Sunday. The fascist British National Party(BNP) are standing in the election on Thursday 5th October in Loughborough Shelthorpe Ward. Shelthorpe is a largely white working class estate in Loughborough and the BNP have been campaigning on the issue of a recently opened East Midlands regional immigration reporting centre. The seat is a two councillor seat and both seats were won at the last election by the Labour Party. There are fears that a low turnout may provide opportunities for the fascists. The fascist BNP is relying on a low turnout in order to get elected. The vast majority of people in Shelthorpe oppose the fascist BNP and can use their vote to stop the BNP.
Assemble at 11am on Sunday 1 October outside of the McDonalds on the Ling Road/Shelthorpe Road roundabout for a mass leaflet of the constituency.
Contact Leicester Unite Against Fascism on tel 07960229186.
Further enquires please contact the unite office
Donna Guthrie
Unite Against Fascism
020 7833 4916/ 020 7837 4522
Hmmmmm.....Who Needs Racists?
01.10.2006 02:04
Dave Kuivala
are you inbred?
01.10.2006 04:03
Corrupt corporate fascists like bush's fund twisted nazis like adolf one ball, elites have done this time & again throughout history. Divide & rule is the bankers tactic when desperate & they turn to fascists or other extremists when they feel threatened.
Right now their destroying this amazing country & every other to try & keep us down & investing in technologies like nanotech that could kill us all because they want to keep power.
In 1934 the Morgan bank, then the biggest in the USA even tried a military fascist coup, this was stopped by those in military who believed in rights of the man, check wikipedia for information General Smedley Butler who uncovered the plot & spent his retirement denouncing bankers & oil companies, check wikipedia.
Maknovista 666999
So how did it go?
01.10.2006 17:15
Nutter alert
03.10.2006 19:57
It's precisely this sort of shite which makes the opponents of fascism look just as cranky as those who we seek to expose. Not very clever.
Midland AFA
the result....
07.10.2006 09:03
Lab 643
BNP 478 (28.8%)
Con 386
Lib 155
sorry- a completely disaterous result which will have fash tails up from her to the may 2007 elections. this election featured 4 seperate antifascist leaflets going out- to what impact?
wasnt there a soltary socialist in loughborough to give a working-class alternative to them?
leafleting - did it have an effect?
08.10.2006 16:44
As I went round, the one thing which stood out was the complete lack of posters for any of the parties - 4 window posters up for Labour and 1 up for the BNP were all that we spotted.
The only thing I would add is that, if it wasn't for us leafleting, the result could well have been a lot worse. At least Labour defended their seat. Yes, I agree, we need to put across a working-class alternative to the Nazi BNP -the best way to do that effectively is for people on the estate themselves to get organised, hold meetings and build that local alternative.
(campaign for a new workers' party: www.cnwp.org.uk)
Andrew Walton
Enough's a enough
10.10.2006 19:23
I can only think of the SWP, CPGB, SPGB, Socialist Party. Socialist Labour Party, Respect, IWCA.....WRP.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Midland AFA
A New Workers Party
27.10.2006 15:07
Thanks man. I nearly cried with laughter when I read that.
Workers party ? It would be a miracle if any of you middle-class tossers did a days work in your sorry little lives.
And by work I don't mean the parasitical public sector sponging you idiots class as jobs.
Red Hunter
Nazis, Its dying time
21.12.2006 14:28
And when the flames start to lick your feet and you see the blood of your idiot "Kameraden" on the ground in front of you the last thing you will see before your eyes pop will be the working people of britain, black and white, LAUGHING!
You fooled them in this election but you didnt fool all of them and you wont fool them forever, your days are numbered nazi scum.
BNP is not democracy
29.10.2007 10:20
To add to this I find it very insulting that I am told that people working in a county not of thier birth should be given less representation than any other. I personally worked in Leicester for many years as an engineer before coming to Leeds to study for a degree. I now find myself in the position were I can choose to work abroad to broaden my horizens and exprience. This I would also consider to be part of a commitment I have to duty to the community, local or global. However the BNP’s veiw would seem to tell me that if I work abroad then I should have to take lower wages, have less rights and very much discourgae my comminment to duty, which I think is desperatly needed at present. I wish us all to be free and not to be constrianed by the narrow thinking that some deserve more that others simply bacause of thier origin of birth.
So if the BNP get support then I will certainly have less skills and work to give to this country and my community. I do not wish to live in such a scarce soicety so fuck the BNP.
Keep it up all those anti facists and tell us all what a better place it would be with out the BNP.
Toby Clarke
Talk of zealous nationalism or give a voice to a Nazi
30.11.2007 13:27
Toby Clarke