Shooting in The Meadows, Nottingham (police press release)

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Alan Simpson, MP South Notts quoted by the BBC: "As I understand it the lad was on his bike in the middle of the precinct when he was approached by another youth who, at point blank range, pulled a gun and shot him in the chest. He then took the bike and rode off. It seems to me you can't get much more brazen than that," he said.
What is going on?
27.09.2006 15:13
No to guns!
fueling innercity drug & gun wars
30.09.2006 06:01
movie by Guerilla network news
The iran contra scandal touched on black op drug running links later proven by ex narcotics & ex DEA agents,plus CIA whistleblowers as described below with investigations by Senator John Kerry
In 1977, then Los Angeles Police Officer Michael C. Ruppert witnessed CIA operatives importing drugs and exporting guns off the coast of Louisiana on Brown & Root oil rigs. Today, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) is a subsidiary of the infamous energy industrial conglomerate once run by Dick Cheney – Halliburton.
Naom Chomsky has uncovered numerous cia & black op programmes like operation Pegasus worth checking if you want to look into this more.
In Golden triangle near Vietnam drugs have been linked to the cia also after the French & British left. It is well know that the British empire sold opium for profit to the chinese, the CIA have just taken over where our establishment left off.
As reported in parliment by those heroine trade in Afghanistan has taken off again now the CIA & black ops have more control & militias, plus afghani mafia are getting weapons delivered,
Crack & Heroine destabalise innercities & housing estates from the 1960's & 1980's during riots & strikes where people looked like they might unite.
The drug market adds trillions to the stock markets & financial systems every year,without it they worry it may crash,echelons of the CIA & black ops are under ordered to maintain the flow going at all costs,against their morales.
Our communities need to know these facts, as do the police on the ground who have to deal with it also.
Senator John Kerry's 1988 U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations report on Contra drug links concluded that "senior U.S. policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras' funding problems."[23] Kerry was suspicious of North's connection with Manuel Noriega, Panama's drug baron. According to the National Security Archive, Oliver North had been in contact with Noriega and had met him personally.
The allegations resurfaced in 1996 when journalist Gary Webb published reports in the San Jose Mercury News[25], and later in his book Dark Alliance[26], detailing how Contras had distributed crack cocaine into Los Angeles to fund weapons purchases. These reports were initially attacked by various other newspapers, which attempted to debunk the link, citing official reports that apparently cleared the CIA.
In 1998, CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz published a two-volume report[27] that substantiated many of Webb's claims, and described how 50 Contras and drug traffickers had been protected from law enforcement activity by the Reagan-Bush administration, and documented a cover-up of evidence relating to these activities. The report also showed that Oliver North and the NSC were aware of these activities. A report later that same year by the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Bromwich also came to similar conclusions.
In 2004, Gary Webb apparently "committed suicide" by shooting himself twice in the head.
Gin & other strong alcohol was used in 18 & 19th century to destablise communities into the workhouses off their land & to "pacify" natives in foreign lands. The Royal Navy used to get many "recruits" by getting them pissed & shanghaing them with the kings shilling or by force
keep perspective...
03.10.2006 15:34
What's the risk of being randomly shot in Britain, compared to
the risk of being run over?
the risk of committing suicide?
the risk of dying because of nuclear pollution?
the risk of dying from a drug deemed "safe" from misleading animal tests?
Compare to the situations elsewhere... This kind of thing happens every day in Iraq, except the lad pulling the trigger is some kid the US or UK military has signed up.
There are 3-400 murders in Britain every year. Two-thirds of these are committed by family members or partners. Many of the others are feuds between different groups of "criminals". Others are "victim precipitated", usually meaning they happen in a brawl when both people are trying to hurt each other. There are perhaps a dozen or two dozen genuinely random murders each year. Which considering that the police manage to kill 30-40 random civilians every year (not counting an extra 30 or so they kill by driving too fast), is not really an enormous risk comparatively speaking.
Certainly, we live in an alienated society where people do terrible, inhuman things to each other. Certainly, we would feel safer and be safer in a more humane society. We live in hell, it is no surprise that people do not act like angels. But the media hysteria about isolated and uncommon incidents - used to create an utterly misleading picture of generalised threat from otherness and the state as protector - is grossly disproportionate to actual risks and serves ideologically to cause much greater inhumanity, both through the police-state measures it incites and the distortion it imposes on resource assignation (taking away from places where lives could easily be saved).
If one really wishes to stop killings with guns, the best way to start would be to disarm the imperialist armies and the racist police.
Stop ranting...
18.10.2006 12:03