Gaza: facing humanitarian catastrophe.
Iraq: civil war threatens.
Afghanistan: more British soldiers die.
Come and tell Tony Blair that it's time for the troops to go
At a...
Public Meeting (Organised by Nottingham Stop the War Coalition)
On Tuesday, 12 September at 7:00pm (finish by 9pm) in Nottingham Trent University's Chaucer Lecture Theatre 1, which is just by the NTU Tram Stop in Goldsmith Street, Central Nottingham.
Alan Simpson MP (Labour, Nottingham South) and
Chris Nineham from the The Stop the War Coalition National Steering Committee.
This is also an excellent opportunity to buy your coach ticket to go to the Time To Go! Demonstration in Manchester on Saturday, 23 September (Mark on 07947 609 401 has more information).
off the list!
07.09.2006 16:14
notts lass
New Labour - You can ALL fuck off
07.09.2006 16:37
Black and Red
Getting something do other than wars!
07.09.2006 17:02
08.09.2006 15:06
caitlin grove
Alan Simpson MP
11.09.2006 09:48
Alan Simpson is a member of the Socialist Campaign Group and a founder of the Labour against the War organisation, and has campaigned against the Afghan and Iraq war, so it not really fair to call him New Labour - though he should really join a radical alternative like RESPECT
Keir Hardie
War (huh) what is it good for?
11.09.2006 13:44
Why are people criticising a move to get rid of the guy? He should have gone a long time ago, instead he's one of the longest running PM's! We could have voted him out twice but no, so lets dump him any way we can... have these guys found a way?
Welfare cuts pale into insignificance when you consider that that money is going on blowing up a kid whose never done anything to anyone. Stop The War or stop the war, and START THE PEACE.
Constructive Witticism