Press release:

Nottingham City Council wants more people to get involved in planning, at an early stage, so they can have a more meaningful input into planning decisions and help to shape the way Nottingham looks in the future.
Now, for the second time this year, the City Council is asking for views on its “Statement of Community Involvement” which sets out how and when it will consult people on both planning applications and planning policy documents. The new draft takes into account comments made during the first consultation period earlier this year. Any feedback will be considered at an independent examination run by a Government planning Inspector.
The document sets out the City Council’s proposed consultation methods for planning matters such as notices in the local press, leaflets, information to the Council’s Area Committees, public meetings and events, notification to neighbours of development sites, information in libraries, the use of electronic communication, and more.
Summary leaflets and response forms are available from 7 August at Nottingham City Council reception desks at the Guildhall and Exchange Buildings North and at all City libraries. It will also be sent to City leisure centres and GP surgeries . These leaflets outline the main contents of the Statement of Community Involvement, how to make representations and where to get further information.
For more information, a summary leaflet, a response form, or a full version of the Statement of Community Involvement, please contact Lisa Mutch at the City Council on 0115 915 5487 or email

council cosultation
16.08.2006 08:26
I imagine it would be the same for city planning, note that most of the new private planning projects in the city are already underway or completed.
Cosultation my arse
cosult this