Labour's ID scheme is supposedly on the rocks, but let’s not be overly comforted by this news. There are good reasons to continue to build up the pressure. In particular, passport developments in the UK Identity and Passport Service (IPS) and the European Union could result in alternative identity databases, and since the Act is on the statute books, compulsory ID could start at any future date.
From emails leaked to the Sunday Times on July 9th, a senior Whitehall official has said the multi-billion pound scheme for compulsory ID cards and the National Identity Register (NIR) could take years to introduce and is likely to end in failure, and officials responsible for ID in the crisis-ridden Home Office are preparing for the project to be 'canned completely'. We can rejoice that a damning assessment from those closest to the plan should help to undermine Labour’s attempts to win support for ID cards. But let’s not be overly comforted by this news.
Notts Defy-ID Bulletin 3 PDF
Links: Nottingham Defy-ID | Defy-ID | No2ID
LABOUR'S ID SCHEME ON THE ROCKS – a good reason to keep up the pressure! The reason we should be wary is even if the best happened and creation of a national register was scrapped completely, other developments in passports (that 80% of us have) are carrying on regardless. The UK ‘Identity and Passport Service’ will still be gathering more invasive biometrics in near future. They are already taking facial dimension info from photos, and passports are being issued right now have chips that contain this information. In any case biometric passports are likely to be made compulsory by the European Union. A cut-down national identity register, or some alternative database, obtained from passport or driving licence applications, would still give the State a considerable increase in power that will enable them to stop and check our details and track people across borders. For migrant workers, the need to carry a passport would allow for further check-ups and other harassment within 'UK'. So the date for starting to put passport applicants on the full-blown register may not happen in October 2006 as planned, but it could still result in a identity register-‘lite’. Plus we should not think that a delay is the same as scrapping compulsory ID for everyone. Now the Bill is passed, the scheme can be begun in earnest whenever this or any future government decides it, whatever the opposition politicians might say now. We should not forget that the Tories wanted an ID scheme in the mid-1990’s when they were still in power, and not be taken in by the two-faced promises of their leaders, from a party that will make up almost anything to get elected. We need to keep up the pressure and refuse identity cards and database developments of any kind. Whatever happens to the scheme, we need to continue to build-up our anti-ID campaigning and make sure the State realises that we won’t let their repressive plans just fizzle out - without them first being made to understand the level of hatred for ID!
Link to original article including comments
27.07.2006 10:14
Not a number
Experiments without consent
14.08.2007 01:26
To Anyone who Cares:
Were you familiar with Area 51? In major newspapers, widows were claiming their husbands died from cancer from chemicals they had to clean up daily in Area 51. For years, the U. S. Government denied Area 51 even existed even though it could be seen clearly by citizens (barbed wire enclosure, etc.). Finally, former U.S. President Clinton did give the widows compensation for the work their husbands did in Area 51, even though it was still denied that this "defense area" even existed. This kind of "undeclared, classified" situation is how the U.S. Government keeps experiments being done, without consent, from coming out in the news.
Please read below the line to see the article we are sending out and starting to give out. I have tried to get help from elected officials concerning this experiment. Since the technology is "classified", elected officials will not help. It is the government policy of "don't ask; don't tell". I have decided to try and find people who also feel outside, or want to be outside, of this U.S. Government. I am disillusioned. I have articles that prove non-lethal weapons exist. I do have letters from some elected officials. But, they only write once. We believe they find out about the existence of directed frequency experiments, and then they bail out. If anyone is interested, I can go into more detail. Am I in the right group? Do you have any suggestions that might help us? We are trying to prove what has happened. One radiologist said that one of those extensive x-rays should prove it without a doubt. We are afraid to have this done in the U.S. without knowing a doctor personally. Publicity about non-lethal weapons technologies is something that the U.S. Government does not want and neither does Great Britain or other so-called "civilized" Nations. We are trying to figure out how to get more attention. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get attention from the news media? Because of what has happened, I no longer have good feelings for the U.S. Government. I am angry. I am ready to do just about whatever it takes to stop these scientists/doctors working in "intelligence". Believe this, there will be a governmental scandal. We plan to somehow reward those who help us after we are compensated for experimental abuse. We are neither mental patients nor felons.
There is an article we have that is titled, "U.S., Russia Hope to Safeguard Mind-Control Techniques", DEFENSE NEWS 29, Jan. 11-17, 1993. This technology is in "intelligence". Here is some of the information (below) that we are handing out with the article attached. We think that Anarchists will understand the danger of what is happening with this hidden U.S. Government directed frequency technology. What can we do about it? It seems beyond the news as the government is covering it up. Can you help us pass this on to others? Can you help us get the information to the news media? Do you want to help?
TERRORISM OF VETERANS FAMILIES AND OTHER INNOCENT PEOPLE IS HAPPENING NOW...In the early 1970's children in the St. Louis Special School District, St. Louis, MO, may have been the target of a government experiment that uses small, implanted microchips inserted, without consent. This Brain Computer Interface Experiment tries to change human behavior by remote. The Hope Rescue Mission in South Bend Indiana, was likely a target of the CIA in the early 1970's. It is likely that Indiana University doctors (and others such as neurology/psychiatry and behavior experts at Washington University, St. Louis, MO; and doctors using the Bloomington Hospital, Bloomington, IN) working for the CIA were selected to do this Brain ComputerInterface Experiment. Most Victims are now old enough to be considered senior citizens.
This BCI Experiment is not hard to understand. Either in a doctor's office (one who is paid by the CIA or Defense Advanced Research Projects) or in a hospital, the selected Victim is put to sleep. In a matter of minutes a tiny, sophisticated microchip (Boeing may have been involved with development) is put into the body (near the Trigeminal nerve, likely buried in the throat or near the jaw).
As time goes by, the implanted Victim's voice must be taped in different emotional responses. When we are angry our respiration increases, our heart rate goes up, etc. Individual responses of selected Victims were put into a computer program over the years. Individual computer programs are developed for each Victim. Then, for example, a frequency is sent via computer to the implanted microchip, and a Victim is brutally shocked. This causes anger in a Victim. The implanted microchip records the "angry" information quickly and immediately sends it to a remote computer station. After much time, the angry response is meant to diminish as Victims are sent many shocks, using a specific frequency, to make them angry. The experiment, by causing anger over and over, with brutal shocks sent by remote, attempts to get Victims use to ignoring nasty situations. Then when Victims become angry "in a real life situation", they have learnt to handle anger by ignoring it (as the shocks are conditioning them to ignore pain and abuse). This experiment attempts to change human behavior by remote with brutal stimuli. IT IS CALLED A BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE EXPERIMENT. It is illegal; it is hidden; and it is done without consent. The technology is not much different from cellular phone technology (or cars using global positioning), and data transmits in much the same way.
The U.S. Government has a large, long history of using its own citizens, without consent, with the excuse of developing war technologies. Some past experiments include the now exposed radiation experiments, Tuskegee, spraying city subways with dangerous chemicals to see the effect on innocent humans, injecting radon into humans without consent...etc. Let's stop this Brain Computer Interface Experiment. Our tax money should not be used to hurt innocent humans without their consent. Here are some elected officials and newspapers who should give us some attention. Please contact one or all.
One Memorial Drive
St. Louis, MO 63102
News: (314) 444-6333
News Fax: 314-621-4775
News 4 Investigates Tip Line: (314) 444-3344
Office of Senator Clair McCaskill
Hart Senate Office Building SH-717
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6154
Marlene Locke