For over 10 years, Housing Justice has supported churches in delivering services to homeless and badly housed people. We also campaign for better legislation and for affordable housing; we also promote alternative solutions to the housing crisis.
The Liverpool Roadshow will introduce three key projects empowering local groups to address the housing crisis practically:
Faith in Affordable Housing gives comprehensive guidance to churches and other Christian landlords in making their land/buildings available for affordable housing.
Our Night Shelters project supports churches in setting up and run a winter night shelter. While not quite ready, our Shelters quality mark is in the making, and the roadshow is an opportunity to find out more.
Last but not least, our Mentoring & Befriending project supports recently re-housed homeless people in building self-confidence, social and other skills, so that they may lead more fruitful lives - and keep their home.
We are very keen to build partnerships in the region, to support Christians and others committed to fair housing in finding practical ways to address the housing crisis.
To find out more and register for the event, please visit the dedicated webpage:
If you need to speak to us, please call 020 3544 8094