Workfare impacts every street in every neighbourhood across Merseyside, forcing people, who are entitled to benefits, into unpaid work by threatening them with loss of benefits. Not only is this forced labour, it also provides free labour to profit-making businesses and undermines those already in paid work by undercutting the minimum wage. This is not job creation - it’s job destruction.
On the 2nd of April the Government doled-out its ‘Youth Contract’ programme, which will see 16-24 year olds who do not engage with the Youth Contract subjected to the same Mandatory Work Activity. If they refuse, they will be subject to the same ‘sanctions’ or loss of benefits.
The Liverpool Against the Cuts’ Workfare Walk of Shame will take place on Workers’ Memorial Day, Sat 28th April.
The meeting point will be announced nearer the time.
Bring banners, placards, your voices or anything else that makes a noise. But most importantly let’s shame companies who use unpaid workers and bring down Workfare.
Liverpool Against the Cuts' Workfare Walk of Shame on Facebook:

Liverpool Against the Cuts on Twitter:

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