The database of the Protocol Temp Agency which provides supply teachers and lecturers to many Further Education Colleges is organised to identify applicants first and foremost according to their age. When I applied to be registered the first thing I was asked was my date of birth, "So I can put you on the database"- I was told. This is at variance with the policy when you apply for a position at FE Colleges directly- being public bodies and having an anti-ageism policy they always have you enter your date of birth on the part of the application which states your racial origin and sexuality- this is then separated and shortlisting panels do not see it. Hence Protocol's policy is totally opposite to the established FE college policy- why then do Protocol have a Manopoly of temp labour supply at so many FE colleges eg. Liverpool Community College.
In addition, when a college approaches Protocol do they ask for someone 35ish or someone who can teach Biology for example!
Protocol's website tries to defend their ageism by saying it is used for identification purposes- nonsense I said when I queried it- lots of people may know my date of birth- why not issue Passwords or Pin numbers like millions of websites or banks.
No this is hard edged ageism- come on UCU do you have a policy here!