37 years later, an Early Day Motion (EDM) has been tabled demanding a public inquiry into the gross miscarriages of justice and disclosure of all Government and security papers relating to the case.
That this House notes the campaign seeking justice for the Shrewsbury 24 building workers who were convicted in 1973 of charges arising from the 1972 National Building Workers' strike; recognises that UCATT, Unite and the Trades Union Congress officially support the campaign to show these convictions were politically motivated; calls for a public inquiry into the gross miscarriage of justice that resulted in the imprisonment of pickets; and believes that such an inquiry should seek the release of all Government, police and security service papers relating to the case, study apparent links between UK building employers, the Tory government and the Home Secretary at that time and investigate the intimidation and abuse suffered in prison by Ricky Tomlinson and Des Warren.

Corbyn, Jeremy
McDonnell, John
Skinner, Dennis
Consider asking your MP to Support this Early Day Motion
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