When the police arrest somebody, it is not usually a heartening sight. But when the arrestees are members of the BNP, one can't help but feel like cheering.
An Indymedia photographer was on the spot last Saturday, when the BNP were handing out pamphlets outside MacDonald's, and got pictures of what must be the shortest demonstration in Liverpool's history. They were only there for 15 minutes before they were lifted in a very efficient mass arrest. Twelve police officers marched in formation down Church Street, took a fascist each by the arm, and marched them back up the street to a waiting police van. The twelve decided to go quietly, except for a greasy-looking type who started shouting to the (very small) audience "Only the state is against the BNP" (you reckon?) and "Youse are all losin' yer country!" (Didn't know the working class ever owned this country in the first place.) A police officer gently silenced him by putting him in the back seat of a police car.
One of the twelve looked familiar. He may have been the "fuehrer" Nick Griffin, but I was unable to confirm this.
It is easy to see why the police might have legal objections to the pamphlet they were handing out. The editorial is carefully worded, but the rest consists of racist slanders, and the kind of lies and urban myths that stir people's prejudices: Asian paedophile rings are exploiting white girls; asylum seekers get "luxury accomodation" - you get the picture. It is clearly intended to incite racial hatred.
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BNP uses Amnesty International like symbol.
25.11.2008 12:11
In my opinion they abusing the candle and barbedwire logo :-(
Pete Tierney
25.11.2008 12:34
Homepage: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/liverpool/2008/05/398325.html
Bloody Typical
25.11.2008 12:37
Passing Shopper
nice one
25.11.2008 12:49
25.11.2008 13:42
I'd rather not rely on the forces of order to do the work of common sense anti-fascism, if you know what I mean
How about joint prison& physcotherapy for Bush,Bin laden & Griffin
25.11.2008 14:22
As someone whose worked with Amnesty alot I think they should sue the BNP, how dare the most abusive party in the UK use the Amnesty symbol, the BNP are the worst kind of twisted orwellianism.
How many BNP servers have been taken by the FBI for FFS for less??, well done whoever leaked the list, people want more democracy socially & economically, not dictators.
Griffin is worse than the rich & those who just live off the backs of others, I think I agree with Bakunin in Revolutionary Catechism that they should have their liberty taken away until they work for good. Bakunin believed in nationalism & internationalism without hate.
The Nazi war effort was massiveley subsidised by forced slave labour, racism has its roots in slavery, slavery today is still run on racial lines, thats the only flame BNPers keep burning.
Universal Confederalist
Maybe a police caption to the BNPers should read"this is just for show sir?"
25.11.2008 14:50
I hope not, why did we have to wait until a member of the public leaked the member list?, if a member of many organisation tried to join the army,police or civil-social service & many corporations the police& other databases would have the info on file& the info would be passed on automatically.
Legally protesting against unjustifiable,undemocratic wars is still seen as more seriously than racism, Ive been to tribunals with those standing upto agressive racists in the workplace, often the person with the evidence is still belittled by mainly bosses, in some work places its ignored or encouraged again mainly by bosses but not always.
Universal Confederalist
Free speech?
01.12.2008 19:09
If this happened to a socialist/anarchist/animal lib group you'd all be up in arms. Just because it's the BNP doesn't mean we should be cheering when the police move in to prevent them exercising freedom of expression.
Having your preconceived notions challenged and sensibilities offended is part and parcel of free speech.
Trying to ban the BNP or have them arrested simply makes them into political martyrs.