A conference hosted by the University of Liverpool & Liverpool John Moores
University on behalf of the British-Irish Section of the European Group for
the Study of Deviance and Social Control.
2008 marks Liverpool's celebration of its status as European Capital of
Culture. In preparation, Liverpool has been undergoing a physical and
cultural regeneration that has in many ways transformed the city as private
capital and expertise has poured in. The transformation of the local state
into a growth machine has been accompanied by shifts in crime control and
community safety, spatial regulation, forms of policing and discourses of
urban belonging.
Like in other cities, there are significant undersides to urban regeneration
and the culture it seeks to impose - undersides which rarely figure in
official and academic discourse. Much of Liverpool and its surrounding
areas remain scarred by poverty, under-employment, and racism. At the same
time, whilst the marginalised are subjected to criminalisation, the social
and criminal justice supports for the victims of the crimes and harms of the
powerful either remain virtually non-existent or under threat. We wish to
critically explore the extent and direction of change in our cities and how
these are re-framing practices of power, justice and the right to the city
. The social impacts of 'urban renewal' and regeneration
. Capital-driven homogenisation and the commodification of 'culture'
. Poverty and social marginalisation in the neo-liberal city
. Representations of, and official approaches to, urban crime
. 'Community' and crime control
. The criminalisation of political dissent and spectacles of 'difference' in
the city
. Local regulation of crimes of the powerful
. Migrant workers, casualisation and the urban labour market
. The control and colonisation of city spaces
. The legacies of slavery and imperialism upon urban crime control and
social policy
. The conscription of social scientists into the local growth machine
. Governance and social regulation of 'race', 'age', 'gender', and
'sexuality' in urban contexts
Prices for attendees not requiring accomodation - does include lunch:
- Conference is free to students, unwaged, voluntary-sector organisations.
- Otherwise £35 for the full conference, or day rates are: £20 for Thurs
3rd, £10 each for Wed 2nd & for Fri 4th
(see booking form for prices including accomodation)
Booking form

More info: contact any of the following: