whilst cyclin from london to attend the carnival against the arms trade on june 4th, commited activist marie vesco was mown down and her life brutally and tragically cut short.
it is hoped that as many people as possible will join us to lament and celebrate her short life. please wear black/ a black armband.

if you cannot make the cm then come to nextTOnowhere, 96a bold street, 7.30pm
for a chance to watch a truly remarkable documentary, the film the police tried to ban...
On the Verge
This 90 minute film tells the story of the four year campaign in Brighton to close down EDO-MBM, a local factory producing weapons parts for the US weapons corporation EDO Corp - and used in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Using activist, police and CCTV footage, as well as interviews with those involved, it is the story of a resilient and successful direct action in the face of the police and private security protecting the company.
More info: